Some people believe that the globalists public takeover of the proximity of the then indicate when the stakeholders come out of the shadows and openly assume their plan, because that has nothing to hold neither the consequences, nor whether anyone feltartózhatja them.
Why does it seem that this moment has arrived?
The international elite actions that bear witness to feel ownership of the victory and openly assume mesterkedéseiket while I see to it that others passed on the responsibility for the failures themselves are given in fighting for the common good, as a selfless savior.
We've talked about the false paradigm east-west, which is nothing more than a distraction for the masses. People generally like to take a position on the left of any page and do not realize that they are not accidentally come in pairs of opposites, and the trap could be avoided only if neither to the right nor to the left will not be gone from the destination. Instead, the masses war advocates of either side, without having to understand the root causes and the goals of the war, thinking to find the truth on either side. The globalists of course try to take advantage of human nature to the tendency of collectivism. Conflicts create from scratch, which is governed by both sides, then felhergelik and sit back and watch the crowds as they jump each other.
Thus, the East-West conflict is an invention of the elite and most powerful propaganda weapon. Anger and frustration due to the loss of freedom with many convinced that the source of the troubles generated by the various state and balloons lies in economic activities, while in the east of the storm sweeps through riots. No!
In 1933, Senator Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on banking supervision, a conference in London, said:
"... The American rights assignments placed under the seven-power conference held in London in July 1931 ... the management of the Bank for International Settlements in the Federal Reserve banking system."
So in 1933, there were already some people who saw that the Fed is just a boy, an economic hit man, who is working on a much larger entity. Since then, more than 80 years, but unfortunately many people are not willing to accept this truth, I would rather believe that the Fed's main governing and more people think that the Fed is a harmless, sometimes It saw a public financial institution. The situation is much more complex. One arm of the Fed is holding the world in the grip of a monster only, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in the eye.
Thank goodness these days more and more attention is diverted to the BIS. The ZeroHegde example, not so long ago könyvösszefoglalót reported on the issue. (See also: Who oversees the money)
Each central bank, which becomes a member of the BIS, a new pawn represents the elite chess board. Not constitute an exception, the central banks of the considered enemies of the West nor East. BIS history written in blood between the two times dating back to World War II. Already II. World War both sides, including the Nazis supported. Germany, Japan and the Allies were 1931 members of the BIS. As you can see in the background is not managing bankers today began a ugrasztását other countries and nations not only faithful.
After Nazi and fascist connections came to light, the BIS for a time he was forced to retreat into the background. The elite is then created and the birth of the International Monetary Fund, more commonly known as the IMF to take over the public's eyes, the BIS with a new organization. Power from the BIS has not changed and is still pulling the cord central banks and countries around the world with this.
The strategy is not held in conflicts has changed over the years. Much has been said in recent months undeniable relationship between Russia and the IMF (link) and that Putin to support a new global currency issued by the IMF nominee last year and has urged that the BRICS nemeztek to join the IMF system:
"For many of the BRICS each coinciding strategic interests there. First, the common intention to reform the international monetary and financial system, which is present in the form of unfair to the BRICS countries and the new economies. We must work with the IMF and the World Bank a more active role in decision-making system. The international monetary system is highly dependent on the dollar, or more precisely, the financial policy of the US authorities. The BRICS countries that want to change. "(Source)
Wen Jiabao and Vladimir Putin agreed on the non-imposition of dollars
For China, moving away from the dollar into the arms of the IMF also chasing the Asian country.
One of the biggest lie in this, that China and Russia are fighting against the New World Order, although both countries issued by the IMF basket of currencies in the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) calls for the new financial system achieves nothing other than the IMF recommends global currency status is increased. The IMF in exchange for the dollar also supports and welcomes the steps to facilitate this, such as the new China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) termination of the founding of reserve currency status. Many people at this step, the IMF and the World Bank identified against, thinking that the old institutions and influential American competitors were created.
Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director of the World Bank, said:
"Clearly, we are open to cooperation with the AIIB with. Already close cooperation and jointly try to define policies and institutional frameworks. "
The Director allayed those concerns that would AIIB the World Bank and other regional development banks competitor, noting that the global infrastructure build incredible demand, so the system can be evaluated more bodies.
Prior to the China Development Forum Commenting Christine Lagarde said that the IMF "delighted" to accept the AIIB cooperation with you there is plenty of space. (Source)
(China and the New World Order is the relationship between James Corbett made an excellent summary: link)
Nothing in international banks and international monetary policy level indicates that it would be any significant conflict between the East and the West. As we can see, the only part of the theater. Why the theater? - Ask some people.
Held between the Eastern and Western economic war globalists perfectly conceal the real intention of the world government. This was always the goal, and this single currency system and centrally controlled economy is required the first round. After creating a global currency, and if you have a single economic authority oversees trade in the world, why not also would create a global government? It would not be a logical continuation of the process?
Many analysts mistakenly think that the international elite represents the interests of the United States in some form. This is not so. Sovereign nation not only bind specifically and even hate the sovereignty of individual liberties as well. All want to abolish the limit, which is the single global financial and political power of the foundation is marred.
The elite, however, can not afford to simply drop the dollar and switch to another currency. They need a magician's trick and the associated tüllruhás substitute shines on stage and in order to divert the attention of the viewers gestures. The East-West paradigm is perfectly suited for this purpose. Should there be a better trick than a few dominant nation ugrasztanak each other, and economic chaos resulting from the conflict will be the national sovereignty 'barbaric' idea of what you wanted to abolish the way from the outset?
The elite is this going to sit around the events seen in the event and even after the launch of the dominoes. It is hoped that the new name for the confusion for themselves, and the world as a prophet and financial saviors like may be approaching, who warned from the beginning of what is to come, and who are ready to save the prodigal nations.
The perpetrators of the savior, wearing a mask to hide in the shadows.
Alan Greenspan, for example, a sudden change in the economic precautionary become staunch advocate of a forthcoming "major market event," warned the world, pointing out that now the dollar against gold is the best investment.
Janet Yellen openly stated that the money is not capable of holding the asset.
Jamie Dimon, chairman of JP Morgan's banking business, who did not want to stay out of the financial growing band of fortune-tellers, also marked the arrival of a financial crisis.
The IMF is consistently the "shadow banking system" warns the dangers that threaten the economy is a disaster.
The World Bank was so courteous to announce that "time to prepare for the next crisis."
BIS reports at regular intervals to warn of the "sudden reversal of global markets," as in 2007, just meglebegtették possibility of the collapse of the credit markets before the outbreak of the derivative crisis.
Slowly, all members of the global elite and their family members in the market crash warning, which is quite different from the attitudes a few years ago, when the boom was the main command dial, Ben Bernanke is the savior hero, monetary easing is the source of life.
How do they know that preparing for such an event? From there, they were created by conditions which induce inevitably collapse, and now they want to issuing warnings to wash the grime from their hands.
Of course, the picture belongs to warnings issued by the banking elite, respectively, arriving too late to mean whatever people see their benefits. It is also interesting that the arrival of the destabilization tones mostly the United States and the Federal Reserve Bank okozóiként marked with the problem, and the US is no more than the current front-elite institutions, the Fed and its ever beáldozható one arm.
The point is that all signs point to the "great global economic reset" the arrival of the subsequent scene is strong and well-being of the US dollar has not come into play.