Threaten, hit, they are called a whore while on duty and no respect for him nor the police nor the woman immigrant Muslims - the Greek-born German police woman, Tania Kambouri just wrote a book about his ordeal. According to him, the situation is getting worse, not working in multicultural less and less respect for the basic values of German - and not the right-wing populism, but a healthy person with knowledge of all of this sentence.
"I love my profession, but there will be more and more difficult"
It shows the German Die Welt on portraits of Tania Kambouri German policewoman who this week released his book (Deutschland im Blaulicht - a police woman cry - Notruf einer Polizistin, and notably Germany blue light) wrote, because faces a policewoman as tougher districts of the German cities - there where mainly immigrant roots and Muslim communities.
The 32-year-old Greek descent Kambouri 12 years with the German police service of the city of Bochum. He tells a German family embraced the values and rules. "This álomfoglalkozásom: to help people, to be in action, spend a lot of time outdoors. Very happy to talk to people, "- says the policewoman, and then adds," I love my profession, but it will be increasingly difficult. I know older colleagues who are upset in the meantime. I do not want that this will happen to me. "
Kambouri reports that occurs in vain policewoman as more and more smite him. It's a wonder it has not shattered his face and bleeding face and blue spots got away. While trying to maintain his composure and his cool, but it takes time to process these situations alone.
"It's not racist prejudice, but simply a fact"
A policewoman sees increasingly more violence against police officers and less and less respect for them. Now, in his book published reports about the experiences and the causes of the situation through the side of 220th He thinks that there were only individual cases, years ago, today they have become mindennaposakká, and as long as it upset previously, now only take note of them.
Kambouri says it also attacked Muslim migrants making the state power. "Because this is not origin or religion, racial prejudice, but simply the fact that some social groups strikingly characterized by certain behaviors and crimes." The policewoman, according to a general lack of respect, the German Basic Law and human rights, disregard, while intensive parallel social structures evolve, the integration will disappear. Kambouri that this is not only he says his colleagues are also able to strengthen it. In the course of everyday life in the early morning service in the lightest sleep for a long time because of the problematic elements. In the late evening and night service on weekends especially in the most difficult and the most conflict occurs.
The policewoman had been complaining about the internal forums because of the deteriorating situation, many people who have expressed their agreement and even sympathy, for a long time but did not want to stand in front of the public. Now, however, assume any say. "To date, nothing has changed. Zero "- says Kambouri. Her book is being attacked by the political elite, "a multicultural society uncritical romanticism of believers" who thinks "Islamophobia and xenophobia immediately cry out."
"It learned that the women and the state power must respect"
The police said the woman multiculturalism lot of danger: some cultural and religious traditions are not compatible with each other. According to him, this discretion is not right-wing populism, but a matter of healthy people skills. A stabbing Bochum Case # dozens of people in Lebanon hindered the company's work, shoved the policemen. Kambouri that young Muslim men have the most problems, Turks, Kurds, libanoniakkal, tunéziaiakkal who conspicuously did not want to integrate into Germany. In particular, the police did not accept women, Kambourit is already lekurvázták.
Tania Kambourinak the current wave of migration has his opinion. "A growing number of migrants coming to Germany, and many of them have not learned that the women and the state power must be respected. Parallel societies they live, where other rules apply. We have already deployed refuge shelters where you can notice that the complete lack of respect. The best weapon of the word. But perhaps they find this a weakness, because their country of origin chatting with a little more stretch to violence "- says the policewoman. Kambouri impose more severe penalties on those who defy the police and calls for a faster court is sentencing. "If the perpetrators do not face the sanctions continue."
Die Welt Der Aufschrei einer jungen Polizistin