2015. január 28., szerda

Double standards: CIA leaks and planted false news

The leak of the CIA's effort hit to sabotage an Iranian nuclear reactor.

"The disclosure of lives were put at risk," - said Attorney General Eric Holder. "As egregious violation of the public trust is a someone who has sworn to uphold it."

A few months ago was discovered by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung's statement, who said that the CIA routinely planted stories in the institutional media, including stories that are not only not true, but for thousands of deaths also resulted in .

Ralph Lopez writes in the Digital Journal:

"Ulfkotte said that he was ordered to the newspaper, in which work, plant a story that the Libyan President Moammar Gaddafi poison gas factories built in 2011."

The fake chemical weapon stories have appeared before the invasion of Libya, which eventually led to the deaths of 30,000 people.

Similar false stories were used as war propaganda against the invasion of Iraq felvezetéseként, which eventually summarily "intelligence failure as" I explained.

While Holder and the US justice system claimed Sterling leaking to the media of "egregious breach of public trust," such criticism is not directed to the CIA, which is controlled by the corporate media for decades.

The fact is that control of the media by the CIA considered as a completely normal thing.

"The Agency's point of view there is nothing anomalous in such relationships and resolve any ethical issues within the scope of the journalistic profession, not the intelligence community," - written by renowned journalist Carl Bernstein at the end of the 1970s, after the Church Committee's revelation.

  The actual scope and severity of CIA management of corporate media will never be known, however, as Bernstein wrote:

The Senate Intelligence Committee, which was chaired by Senator Frank Church in 1976, the CIA investigation, the dimensions of the Agency's press revealed the involvement of several members of the board and the staff several investigators. But the CIA's senior officials, including former directors, William Colby and George Bush persuaded the committee to limit the investigation of the case, and intentionally misrepresented the scope of the actual activities of the final report. The multi-volume report contains nine pages, in which the use of journalists deliberately vague and sometimes misleading discussed. Did not mention the actual number of journalists who have committed the CIA to carry out secret tasks. The role of newspapers and broadcasts not require the co-operation Agency was shut down. "

The "Operation Mockingbird" was carried out in a full circle CIA program to disseminate disinformation throughout the American media. CIA Director William Colby admitted before the Church Committee that more than 400 CIA agent was active in the American media to control what is reported in the mainstream American television, newspapers and magazines.


2015. január 26., hétfő

Who is behind the oil war and what moves prices in 2015?

Source: The Economic Collapse

Who is attributable to the oil market crash? The Saudis were? Neta in the United States? The two together against Russia? Will continue free fall in the oil price in 2015?

Below we will see that some analysts say oil prices could reach a barrel $ 20, which is millions of job losses and many billions of dollars to lose in the United States, not to mention the thousands of billions of dollars' worth of "derivative transaction, which is the energy industry-related .

The global financial system is already in a vulnerable state, intentional roll the price of oil is the best way to start a serious deflation. Whoever is in the background, playing with fire.

The price drop since the beginning of the most Saudis pointing. There is no doubt that the Saudi royal family has often manipulated the price of oil to reach a certain geopolitical goals. Tops Andrew wrote this:

You do not need to look beyond far to find examples of the world's largest oil exporter Saudi government computers to manipulate the price of oil, in order to achieve certain foreign policy goals. In 1973, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat persuaded Faisal of Saudi Arabia, to reduce oil production and raise the prices, in fact, put in place an embargo on oil exports, in order to punish the United States for having supported Israel against the Arab states. The tactic worked. Due to the "oil shock" prices quadrupled.

In 1986, the story was repeated when led by Saudi Arabia, OPEC letting the oil price steep fall launch, in 1990, when the falling oil prices, Russia tried to beat it reported the threat to oil market position for. In 1998, their plan succeeded. When the price of a barrel of oil has fallen from 25 to 12 dollars, Russia was forced bankruptcy report.

The Saudis and other OPEC Member States, of course, is the reverse of the above has been taken when cutting back on production of artificially kept high prices. In 2008, the price of a barrel of oil reached $ 147, the Saudis and others and swam the petrodollárokban.

Returning to the present, OPEC members have a strong interest in producing oil more expensive competitors bypass. Competitors such as the US shale oil production, which is vulnerable to the current low prices. Saudi Arabia has been given a discounted price before the fall in the price of oil in oil to China, and when the OPEC November 27, refused to cut back on production, it became clear that they want to punish the United States for a price war.

If Saudi Arabia wants to stabilize the price of oil, would not have anything else to do than to announce the production of slowing down. The fact that they did not do, in itself is very revealing.

In addition to the weakening of the United States is widely believed that Iran also wants to smash into Saudi Arabia. The Daily Mail wrote:

Above all, however, Saudi Arabia and Gulf allies considered the number one regional enemy Iran, both religious and political terms.

They are well aware that the Shiite-dominated Muslim sect country supports the Arab Peninsula live, resentful and angry, more than one million inhabitants, also Shiite poorer classes that are just waiting for a spark rebellion against the Saudi regime.

The majority of the Sunni Saudis did not like it, that Iran supports the government of Assad in Syria. They are aware that corruption and soaked for penalties imposed on Iran's economy is vital that oil prices start to rise again. Therefore, there is no intention of this to promote their minds.

The fact is that Saudi Arabia continues to be strong, because of their low cost of oil, reserves are abundant. Up to three years to be able to cope with low oil prices.

Others are convinced that Saudi Arabia and the United States joined forces against Russia. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said the following example, a business forum:

"They knew that oil war going on? The purpose of this war is to destroy Russia.

A strategically-planned war is about ... that Venezuela also aims to launch a crush our revolution and economic crisis, "said the president, accusing the United States of wanting to flood the market with oil shale.

Putin falling oil prices, according to many, Venezuela and Russia seem to affect the legkeményebben.A Vladimir Putin likewise sees the situation:

"We all see a decrease in oil prices. Hear a lot about what is causing this. It is possible that between the US and Saudi Arabia agreement, in order to punish Iran and affect the economies of Russia and Venezuela? Yes, you can. "

Assured there is no doubt that Barack Obama want to punish Russia, the Ukrainian situation, the oil price manipulation and it is a good method for this, and if the US shale oil industry also suffered a few hits in the battle, the Obama radical environmentalists within the government sure will not protest.

Some people, however, the situation on oil prices is much more complex.

Marin katus, for example, there is a three-pole fight between OPEC, Russia and the United States:

"Three-Way is a war between OPEC, Russia and the United States," says Marin katus, Casey Research, a leading energy investment strategist.

Katus that oil production will not slow down further in 2015.

"We know that OPEC will not cut production. Will increase. Russia raised ever higher levels of production. "

The fact that OPEC and Russia refused to share the market share of wondering how they will perform in the shale oil industry?

"The versatility and resilience Daddy oil producers will surprise a lot of people. I do not think that one day the industry to the next crash, "he says katus.

Regardless of the reasons behind it seems that the oil war will not end anytime soon, and this is a further decline in prices.

Darin Newsom, Telvent DTN analyst of this could mean around $ 30 per barrel price. Others are more pessimistic. Jeremi Warner, who had accurately predicted that oil prices fall to $ 80 per barrel in 2014, the Sydney Morning Herald spoke to $ 20 prices:

Most economic columnist degrading to look back at last year's predictions. In my case I can not talk about it, because the most important forecasts that the price of a barrel of oil falls to $ 80, but it was very accurate, in addition to determining the cause was a direct hit.

I think this year we can stay more than forecast. Before the crisis, "normal", say, instead of returning values above $ 100, which many traders expect, I believe that oil prices will remain low for some time and could reach $ 20 before it would start to rise again.

Some people are even more pessimistic. Abigail Doolittle, such as worst-case scenario of $ 14 per barrel also can imagine.

The situation, however, that the US economy may collapse easily, not to mention Venezuela without the most pessimistic scenario, where billions of dollars worth of debt repayment will be due in the fall.

Signs of Times: A number of analysis of reading on the subject, a common motif found in almost all opinion: in 2015, anything can happen ...

Trying Whatever direction the global players steer their foes, willy or unintentionally, but they themselves can facilitate the attainment of an evolving plan year 6000, which eventually they themselves will be the main losers.

"For what is a man profited, if you gain the whole world, but forfeit his soul?" - Matthew 16:26

2015. január 23., péntek

Soros, the European Union, the Global Governance failed attempt


Source: Activist Post

Does the initiative of the Western elites in the European Union is falling apart? As a result of persistent economic problems, there is a growing public resistance to the mainland, the coup against Ukraine and as a consequence against Russia and after a very unpopular war and economic megrendülni visible pillars of the EU as well.

In an interview with France 24's talking about George Soros that the European Union has not lived up to expectations left by the elite and many in Europe, "Russia is considered as an example to be followed."

We must recognize that the Union itself, which is the global governance noble experiment started with good intentions, failed and was not able to fulfill its promises. The disappointment is such that even Russia is able to offer an alternative.

Soros that "Russia is a mafia state" and the fact that "a number of European countries agree on the types of Putin's leadership example to follow, specially dangerous".

Soros went on to Europe, many people are considered "attractive close cooperation with Russia", including, for example, Nigel Farage, UKIP party leader of the British, the French Marine Le Pen, and "many people in Germany."

The full interview in English
Years since Europe is in crisis, and the recent controversy erupted in Russia may be the determining factor EUjövőjében. The New York Review in a recent interview, Soros notes to the financial crisis and the infamous troika in 2008 after a growing resistance of the people and the EU anti-party support for austerity measures introduced since:

The European Union, particularly in the euro zone, he lost the thread after the 2008 crisis. Europe is characterized by fiscal policies have exacerbated the public resistance. The anti-European parties gained 30 percent more seat in the European Parliament, but until now there was no realistic alternatives to the EU. But now Russia offers an alternative solution, which is a fundamental change and a challenge to the principles on which the European Union is based on ... It is time for the European Union to thoroughly reevaluate yourself ... EU bureaucrats will no longer have the agreement dura church and they have no büszkélkedniük.

The elite is increasingly flare-up in the west half of the popular uprising from which they try to stand on end, or lack of something better for them desirable to channel and control. While anger due to the inadequacy of government or governments or immoral increases in Europe, the elite will try to embrace the different movements, or even artificial political movements start to control and neutralize them by the people's anger.

EU: Extension of the Anglo-American elite

The EU is a native of the global elite, which építgeti more than a century empire. The Union of this process, namely the government, also known as global governance as part bold experiment, the power of nationalism and national laws to replace the non-violent. "The EU aims to "national governments associations to replace that in the future along with the rest of the world created alliances with other szuverenitásromboló single power, a global empire thaw. Such associations such as azÉszak American Union or the Middle East Union.

The EU's executive body, the European Commission, the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Riia), a global effort to power in a sort of parallel partner of the British government.

Etienne Davignon, former European Commissioner and European integration is important builder, revealed that the annual meeting of elite organization, the Bilderberg group also helped in the creation of the Euro. Of course, George Soros is a member organization of the European External Relations Council, as the leader of this shadow power.

The economic warfare against Russia hits back

In Europe, the farmers protested in several places, as meaningless sanctions against Russia are affected the hardest. Sanctions imposed by the West as a response to Russia in August led to a ban on food imports to the countries that supported the sanctions, which caused a serious drop in food prices, as it has been flooded with superfluous goods to European markets. Commercial traffic due to the sanctions, estimated at € 5.3 billion loss for the EU, not to mention the numbers inexpressible uncertainty caused by the social perception of the situation.

France also had a number of protests, as the Russian import bans increasingly felt in the already deteriorating living conditions. Brittany farmers torched the offices of the tax authority, in addition to vegetables and covered with manure in front of a government building in the middle of September, held a demonstration against the government's actions. In November, it is estimated that another 36,000 people participated in the demonstrations organized across the country, which again covered the remaining crops in front of government buildings in that part could not be sold because of the Russian ban on imports.

Spain also protesting farmers of sanctions against Russia as a result of depressed prices for these paid by crops and left them for the multinationals.

Resistance to EU policy in addition to punitive measures against Russia affects many other areas. The austerity measures are severely affected by the southern states, where the protests have become almost routine part of life. In October, for example, in Naples was a major demonstration in front of the European Central Bank building, where the participants of the completion of the constraints and reducing unemployment demanded.

Reveals the period ahead, the elite of the Union to finally try to maintain or even further strengthen the power of the growing dissatisfaction movements directed to continue to work ...

Signs of Times: I wonder what the real intention, when George Soros, who has always confirmed the statements made by some underlying goal of the dangers of cooperation with Russia about?

"And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but together with the beast for one hour will receive royal power. These have one mind, their power and authority to the beast "in Revelation. 17: 12-13

2015. január 22., csütörtök

Who runs the world?

It is conceivable that the global elite few incredibly wealthy member directs the world from behind the scenes? Many (of the healthy-minded people) believe that the financial transactions to simplify invented a useful tool, but the truth is that most of the money used to acquire and manage the power of the masses. The world has entered an era neofeudalista where the ultra rich pulling the string. When we talk about ultra-rich, so people do not think of people who have a few million dollars. So it comes to who can easily buy the US gross domestic product for the full year and still remains for them is that the total US debt is paid back.
In this system, we are only neofeudális bonded labor, and this includes government. Everyone drowning in debts, except the very rich who are getting richer and some of their assets are used to gain more power over the nations. These people are the property of almost all major banks and large companies in the world. Secret societies and organizations covering the whole network is used to achieve their goals and their members to keep at bay. They define how the majority of people look at the world, as most of the media and the education system, it is their property. They are funded political campaigns and the most powerful influence on the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation similar international organizations. Viewed from a distance of a few steps, the overall picture is not doubt that it rules the world, but unfortunately many people are not willing to face the truth.
These very rich people do not run around the local bank to betegyék their money, but in a place believed to be where it is not taxed, such as the Cayman Islands. In a report last summer said the global elite of $ 32.000 billion for a total of offshore banks around the world.
The US GDP in 2011 was $ 15.000 billion (198.1 billion dollars went to Hungary), public debt is approximately 16.000 billion US dollars, so the two values together are still less than 32.000 billion, in addition to this amount is not in the elite incredible value of real estate assets, gold stocks or works of art.

The Huffington Post writes:
The rich families they have assets of $ 32.000 billion hidden in offshore tax havens, which represents a loss of $ 280 billion in taxes to the state, is a recently released study.


According to the study of global private wealth, not material possessions such as real estate, gold, yachts or race horses without, and 21,000 to $ 32,000 billion a year. The research was fighting against tax havens Tax Justice Network for James Henry, McKinsey & Co. economist was taken. The data used by him in the World Bank and the IMF come from the United Nations and central banks.
Do not forget that the elite have not only a lot of money, but all the big banks and big companies, it is their property.
Several articles reported study conducted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, which shows that there are actually 147, closely related company owns 40 percent of the world's great companies:
Research conducted at the University of Zurich,, proved "that a certain company, mainly from a group of banks have enormous power over the world economy. The study of the world's 43,060 TNCs and the proprietary network among those examined. Set up the core of the global economy in 1318 showing the constituent companies,, map "on this basis.
The research found that in the group of 147 companies to form a super unit, which is the group's assets is higher than 40%. All of the owners of other companies in a part or whole. Among these, most of the banks, the largest in 20 Barclays and Goldman Sachs as well.

The following 25 banks and company forms the core of the super-entity:
The elite likes to hide behind complex proprietary networks, but intertwined it is clear that virtually every Fortune 500 company is in their possession. Unfortunately enormous influence over the world and this is not even new.
Interestingly, John F. Hylan, Mayor of the City of New York, said in a 1922 speech:
- The real enemy is invisible republic government, which presents a huge polipként slimy arms of our cities, our nation and our Member States over. But enough of generalities! States that the head of this octopus circle and a small group of powerful banking houses of interest to the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company, who are usually only world known as international bankers. These powerful bankers closed the company manages the entire US government to serve their own selfish interests.
They control both parties, they describe the political platforms made puppets of the party leaders, taking advantage of the private companies and any and all means to the local government offices are only for people who take everything the corrupt big business dictate.
These international bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country, the various headings are used to obedience stand or office knocking out those politicians who refuse to obey the invisible government component corrupt clique in. This government operates behind the curtain created by himself and steals all the offices of the executive office of the country, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and jait created to protect the population.
They have brought the international bankers created the world's central banks (including the Federal Reserve Bank), which are used to lure the world's governments debt trap. The national debt is the best way to legally,, "take money from us, then give it to the government, which migrate to the rich and elite pocket.
Today, members of Congress or the President has never criticized the Federal Reserve Bank in the past, but still there were some brave politician who dared to stand against him. In the following example, Representative Louis T. McFadden, 1932 June 10, the House of Representatives of the opposition said you can read the details:
,, Mr President! Are the most corrupt institutions the world history in this country. I think the Federal Reserve Commission and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Commission, a government committee has been cheated out of as much money to the US government and the American people, and which would have to repay the debt. The Federal Reserve and the work of the Commission destructive sins were already so expensive in the country, the fact that many times could pay off this debt. This evil institution impoverished people of the United States, gave himself bankrupt and the government actually is. This corrupt laws governing the operation procedures achieved through mistakes and incorrect application of the law and the governing pénzkeselyűk him. "
Many people still believe that the Federal Reserve (meaning Federal Reserve), a federal agency. The writes about it:
,, 12 regional Federal Reserve Bank's shareholders privately owned banks in the Federal Reserve System. These include banks and national, state licensed banks wishing to join them (benefiting from the federal government's permission) who meet certain requirements. Approximately 38% of the country's more than 8,000 banks in this system, such as those owned by the Fed. "
Wall Street banks are testing it for the Fed researchers ownership basis, it was found that the same names appear in all cases: the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburg, the Schiffs Lazards and European royal families and the families.
These wealthy international bankers, however, were not satisfied with a single country. Their goal was to create a global financial system controlled by them. Carroll Quigley, professor of history at Georgetown University, wrote the following:
,, The forces of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, which is nothing less than to create a global system of privately-held financial power, that power can be exercised over the political system of each country and the entire world economy. It is envisaged that this system, feudal way of the world's central banks join forces to guide through secret agreements made during private gatherings. This system is the backbone of the Basel, Switzerland based International Settlements (BIS), which is a private bank in the world's central banks (also in private hands) owned. "
Unfortunately, many people do not even have heard of the Bank for International Settlements. Wikipedia writes about it:
The organization of central banks, the BIS predictable and transparent to make the central bank's monetary policy among 58 members. Although each sovereign nation itself is responsible for creating its own monetary policy, central and private investigations depend on, that affect the rates and in particular the export economies.
The wealthy elite also had an important role in setting up other important international organizations. Such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. Land required for the UN headquarters in New York, for example, the construction of John D. Rockefeller was purchased and donated to the organization.
The education system has been dominated by the elite. Over the years, the Rockefeller Foundation and other elite organizations such as poured incredible amounts of Ivy League schools, which are now all US colleges and universities serve as a model. The last four US President was educated at Ivy League schools.
Another important area of the media. I have repeatedly written that a huge company can determine what to watch, read or listen to the world. These companies are owned by the major television networks, cable channels, film studios, newspapers, magazines, publishers, music companies and many popular websites.
Considering that the average American watches TV 153 hours a month (156 hours are not behind the Hungarians,, "), this company can have an enormous impact on public opinion. Here are some examples of these media companies owned by:

time Warner
Walt Disney
News Corporation
CBS Corporation
NBC Universal

Of course, many politicians are the property of an elite. Lewis Lapham journalist wrote a few days ago appeared Article:
,, The congress will of the formation and election of the US president the country's elite class has become the privilégiumává, which means that the population is 20 per cent is held by 93 percent of the wealth, and the companies and banks handful happy leader in under the ownership and management of the media and entertainment industry. They write the laws govern universities and charitable organizations, and regulatory and legislative institutions, casinos and sports arena. "
Why is it that nothing will change in Washington, regardless of which party to vote for the candidate of the majority? That's because both parties are owned by the real power. The system is designed to favor the controllers.
So who govern the world? They are. And this must also be familiar with.
David Rockefeller writes,, Memories "in 2003, in his book:
,, With more than a century, ideological extremists of the political spectrum on both edges advantage received much publicized incidents such as private meeting my Castro to attack the Rockefeller family, because they think excessive influence Biru American political and economic institutions. Some people assume that we are part of a secret conspiracy that works against the interests of the United States,, internationalist "calling me and my family, who conspire with others for creating a more integrated global political and economic structure. You can call a single world. If this accusation, I am guilty and I am proud to undertake. "
Volumes could be written on the topic, but maybe that's a taste is enough. Enough that some people were launching in the right direction.

Read more:

2015. január 20., kedd

When the dictatorship and terrorism go hand in hand

At the time of the attack on Charlie Hebdo worked and since article very much already appeared on the site on how to use the elite of the various disasters and terrorist events to the World Government to prepare, whether staged or not, and that such release is an important project completion more become more common, not only in the US but in Europe and will be affected, determined to finish the project shall concentrate my attention.

You might have read or heard on the news that the Saudi king has also planned attacks against European targets are cautioned ISIS explicitly threatened against French and American citizens with assassination.

Unfortunately, they are based on the Paris attack is not surprising and can be no doubt that this was not the last such case. However, reading the news on the main line news brought about the case "solutions" and on February 18 was convened global security summit it was time to grab a pen and point out the geopolitics pervasive insanity.

Taking into account the language used by the political elite behind the global security summit lies much more than just a war against Islamic terrorism. Putting aside the fact that the Islamic State, the US government has created Syria to destabilize and that Saudi Arabia openly finance some of the Islamic state linked Syrian terrorist fractions, you have to realize that regardless of its origin, the terrorist organization's very existence is an excuse for the and eliminate the need to create a situation similar to the situation on both sides of the ocean civil liberties.

Reading the Reuters man is no need to extend himself too much to find the message between the lines.

First, the peak is not necessarily focusing on "Islamic terrorism". The term itself is barely mentioned. The political spokesmen language changed and prefer to "extremism," the emphasis is laid, which will have far greater consequences. Although the power of the "terrorist" label is very freely suspended by enemies, the term "extreme" provides a much wider cover for governments against political opponents. Usually referred to as terrorists, who are trying to create in the population with a relatively large caliber assault initiative or at least the fear of planning. However, the "extremist" label ráragaszthatják almost anyone who is or will support initiatives, which is the main line as opposed to the current power gondolkozással opposite view. The US Attorney General nor the 'terrorism' nor the 'jihadi' words not used the announcement of the peak:

"All of our allies want to be convened to discuss how the world can be compensated in this violent extremism ..."

The "official" use the word "violence" can be both vision and action. The point is that the wording change is not an accident, with the aim to attract more target groups of the population look enemy, and not only focus on radical Islam. Terrorism provides a great excuse the power to declare war against everyone and anyone can enjoy. Remember, the main line media, national security and the number of police-state institution alkotmányvédőket also like to call it "extreme." Is it inconceivable that soon the believers in freedom is also accused of complicity?

The loop is tight. The EU has discussed the creation of a Passenger Name Record, which is nothing more than a central database, which is included in all EU citizens. I think that the no-fly lists are worried about? What if the ban would be determined on the basis of Internet posts, Facebook messages or blog posts, namely completely socially accepted as a measure? What do you say to all destinations would be recorded, and based on the available data bureaucrat sitting in a stuffy room (or possibly an algorithm) would decide that the suspect or whether or not they? It seems that the French are competent and equipped like the idea expressed by the leaders of "political union", there is concern that the security measures to be adopted in the summit will also import many other countries.

Reuters Article:

Bernard Cazeneuve French interior minister, said after the meeting of European interior ministers of the need to strengthen cooperation to thwart the jihadist attacks.
"We all agree that some travelers on the basis of objective criteria and taking into account the fundamental freedoms, but we need to introduce tighter controls, without, of course, that it would disrupt the cross-border movement," he said.
He said that Europe must urgently put in place for the Passenger Name Record (PNR), which would enable rapid sharing of information between Member States relating to the travelers.
"We are convinced that this device will need to keep track of those who have taken to terrorist command centers in the direction of, or coming from," he said, adding that the database is in the fight against serious crime also come in handy.

Unfortunately, we have less to worry about the trip. The primary objective of the current elite of freedom of speech (which by the French attack, referring to freedom of expression is restricted) and explicitly stated that the Internet is regarded as one of the primary risk factors, one of the oldest tactics streamlined dictatorship: Freedom or security? Pick me!

The French leadership that although freedom of speech is important, necessary in certain "exceptions" to limit the extreme views:

Necessary Cazeneuve, according to the Internet can continue on the freedom of expression platform, Europe must, however, take the fight to the web abuses that it can not use hate speech and anti-Semitic messages, distribute or vulnerable young people into violent action in recruitment.

"There is a need for closer cooperation between Internet companies to facilitate the removal of the meaning and content of all these events, which protects and supports violence and hatred," he said.

Who decides what constitutes "the protection of terrorism"? Who is the wise and benevolent ruler who decides what can we say about who and what is not? Will this be the leader or more and use the power to attack websites critical towards censorship fair? The consequences of such a legal precedent?

Will was called for a long amount of time that a site like what you're reading, entered on the "extremists" list? Would protect the freedom gyűlöletbeszéddé How much time?

Seeing that a few days after the freedom of speech organized march 54 people were arrested in the attack on Charlie Hebdo terms for "insulting expressions", probably not for long.

The White House has already warned that terrorist sleeper cells have been activated in the United States:

"I think it's a cause for vigilance and to ensure sufficient funding and cooperation with other secret service, national defense and intelligence agencies, be they British, French or German.
The French are good at this, as the Germans Britton. So we can be more active in areas that will help you find the terrorists and its follow-up, the people you communicate with. "(Source)

I understand that recent events and they generate, has seemingly become permanent fear as a result there is no need to justify the need for monitoring.

Of course it is only a matter of time before they appear on the deployment of troops in the response, as has already happened in France. Single violent attack resulted in 10,000 French troops and armed police deployed 5,000 extra French soil.

Some day millions of French marched in solidarity, but in what way? Still want more from the government, which is the cause of the problem? Still want more centralized power? The globalization of the security forces? Now that you have dug their graves, it is likely to have to lie ...


2015. január 12., hétfő

The country observed

America has only name "free and home of the brave people" of the.

Those who realize that ignorance is not a virtue, it is already know this. The fact is that the United States is more like a sophisticated concentration camp as a land of freedom.

Some say that the United States is the legmegfigyeltebb society in the world today. Cáfolhatnánk what basis this claim?

From cell phones, to the surveillance cameras, up to satellites orbiting above us, wherever we look, with sightings from all of us. Some states also had to be fingerprints, namely all the ten fingers, if someone wants to sit behind the wheel. This new rule was introduced gradually in all US states, according to the authorities of the XXI. Century essential safety measure.

The police drones, rendszámleolvasók and crime prevention algorithms is determined by the citizens 'hazard' classification, make purchases online and our activities are taken into account, regardless of whether they ever were just dealing with a traffic cop too.

The utility smart meter is used, so soon experts will analyze all our movements requiring little power consumption.

The list could be written through the pages.

A member of the European Parliament "Stasi methods' deployment and accused Barack Obama is the most shocking: no one protested. The Utah State 3 billion dollars recovered monitoring center server 5000 using four terabytes of 1.25 million units suitable hard drive, which many trillions of zero to record each and every individual's digital fingerprint.

Was not an accident on the topic "Is there a private sector?" Is the last year's Bilderberg meeting agenda. (The answer of course was not an issue before the participants ...)

While the mass media in our faces constantly push leaked by Edward Snowden with new information that appears to have more in order to acclimate to the inevitability of monitoring the entire society, politicians do nothing to change the situation.

This week, for example, decide what's worse: the US military's multi-million dollar surveillance airships that Washington was able to keep all the facts or the eye that some schools have more CCTV cameras than most secure prisons.

Let's start with the military airship. Raytheon Company is a supplier to the US military, according to the official version was built as part of the defense system against cruise missiles to these devices.

The Intercept wrote the following:

The Army will launch in a few days over Maryland in the first two giant airship, which are made of a 18-year, $ 2.8 billion military budget as a result of the project as part of the defense system against cruise missile.
While in operation, a high chance of airships will never detect enemy missiles, it's only useful for a whole city to monitor the traffic, which many people raises questions.
The "Joint Land Attack Missile Against Increased Protection Sensor System" or JLENS name reflects the characteristics of the Pentagon bureaucracy, unnecessarily expensive defense contracts and US giant observation of nature.
The airships work in pairs. One provides 360-degree radar coverage within a distance of 547 kilometers in any direction, and the other risks specific to goal setting information.

The "Joint Land Attack Missile Against Increased Protection Sensor System" or JLENS name reflects the characteristics of the Pentagon bureaucracy, unnecessarily expensive defense contracts and US giant observation of nature.

The 3000 meter high cruising airships Texas State a right of land is able to observe that in this case extends from Boston to North Carolina.

Which dystopian science fiction we saw surveillance airships? No Blade Runner?

Who is actually protected? And who watches the observers?

Meanwhile, also in Washington, found that eight public schools is 10, 20 or 100, but 30,000 surveillance cameras "guarding" the safety of the children. The most iskolakerülethez for the security centers run by the local police forces, which they share. In 1300 thirty thousand camera was installed in the last few months as a measure against the recent school shootings.

However, Bob Hellmuth, head of security at the perimeter of the Montgomery County school NBC4 Washington Commenting said that

"We have designed this development, such as school buildings, electrical installation, the camera can be placed on the maximum amount was calculated."

For comparison's good to know that the Souza-Baranowski prison, the world's safest and most modern prison in your prisons, a total of 370 cameras located.

Bob Hellmuth also shown in the system, a drill-down one of the slides in the canteen queue. Closed the whole school during an incident that took place a few weeks earlier, because the cameras using one gun diáknál they read into what later turned out that there was only one set of headphones.

A, from a report, it was found that the very generous towards government offices, schools, if the financing of such developments are concerned.

It is also interesting that mediated the cameras recording monitor is not nearly enough people here unless bots (software) deployment plan.

The first type of airships and schools as well, "I admit," so while thousands of cameras watching the kids in the buildings, the sky will be guarded by the military airship safety.

"Ordinary people do not have to hide" and said the authorities in the "land of freedom" living protesters, while perhaps still just the same counsel that referring to what national security interests, where they could have cameras in our homes, we have where they did not do the residents themselves instead and then all of life becomes a part of the great reality show (though maybe it already is).

I was just thinking that I would feel much safer if the state have watched me while brushing your teeth ...

Source: The Daily Sheeple, Melissa Melton,

Hostage in Paris

SWAT team arrives on the scene - Photo: AFP / Euro PRESS / Eric Feferberg

Friday afternoon was shooting one hour east of Paris landscape, town of Vincennes. Assumption by the authorities, the perpetrator of the previous day in Montrouge i shooter.

Update, 17:41:

The French security forces were killed Wednesday in the attack on the French satirical Charlie Hebdo sheet suspected of having committed two brothers on Friday after they fired their weapons broke the printing industry buildings where barricaded themselves Dammartin-en-Goele town. People hostage freed unharmed by the jihadists. At the same time, performed in Paris in a kosher supermarket hostages Islamist gunmen also disconcerting.

Update, 17:03:

The east of Paris and the French hostages deal hostage drama taking place in the capital city to the north of town Dammartin-en-Goele linked - one responsible for the French police said the French newspaper Le Figaro.

"The Vincennes perpetrator threatens to kill túszait if the authorities storm the town Dammartin-en-Goele barricade themselves Kouachi-brothers" - added the police jurisdiction.

Another police official said several people were wounded when the hostages opened fire in the shop, stakeholders, however, were able to escape and got medical care.

It is not known whether there are more wounded at the grocery store, and also that the hostages held accountable accomplice young woman also positioned on the site.

Update, 16:26:

The police closed down the center of all the local stores in Paris's famous Jewish Quarter, although far from the two ongoing hostage crisis venue.

Notification according to the mayor's office in Rosiers is a shop on the road in the tourist center of the Marais district, one kilometer from the editors of Charlie Hebdo weekly, where 12 people were killed on Wednesday extremist Islamist bombers.

Shops in general, are both due to the Jewish Sabbath weekly day of rest, the Sabbath eve at this time than usual népesebbek between French and foreign buyers.

Update, 15:13:

The Paris prefecture denied that two people were killed Friday in Paris, hostage-taking, which probably dated the previous day Montrouge shooter committed.

Police sources previously told the French news agency that at least two of them, but it may be that more people died in the shootout.

While the Ministry of Interior in connection with the shooting Montrouge i published a man, 32 years old, black Amedy Coulibaly and a woman, 26 years old photograph Boumeddiene Hayat, who are looking for great powers.

The man is suspected that the police officer was killed Thursday in a firefight with a sweeper and was critically injured. Both of them "probably armed and dangerous." The man suspected of the hostages in Paris as well. He and the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo was editorial made two days ago, a suspect in 12 deaths and attacks known each other for more than ten years.

Pictures published on Thursday by the police murder of a policeman suspected perpetrators: Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly. The latter captured hostages kosher shop - Photo: AFP / Euro Press

Update, 14:46:

At least two people were killed during the hostage-taking of Paris. Communication of the man police say at least five hostages and barricaded himself in a kosher food shop in Vincennes city limits.

The spot snipers and a lot of police officers in, police helicopter circling over the shop.

Authorities morning was told that they only have a committed relationship between two days ago, 12 deaths and attacks the day before a southern suburb of Paris, Montrouge, was accompanied by shooting the perpetrators of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo was editorial. Suspects in 2004, the same group sending jihadists in Iraq worked.

Source: MTI,

2015. január 5., hétfő

100 years of secret services and cooperation of the telecommunications industry

The cooperation between the British and American intelligence services, and telecommunications companies from the early 20th century.

The author of bestselling James Bamford researched this area and shared as part of the Hamburg 31. Chaos Communication Congress (31C3) is the most important information. In 1982 he published the book, The Puzzle Palace, which was the first book, which he said the United States available on the National Security Agency (NSA).

The author says that the foundations of today's practice established by the British in the early 20th century. The secret services of the island countries have already accessed the cables on the seabed. It was a difficult time, because the networks were state property. It was much more difficult situation, the predecessor of the NSA, based in Manhattan, The Black House. In the United States in the 1920s, defended the secrecy of correspondence, so could not take place without the cooperation of telecommunications companies in any action.

Herbert Yadley, then head of the agency contacted the principal service providers and network access to each. Western Union officers without thinking what he gave her, and the seat Postal Telegraph and any other company involved in the discussions on the issue of lawyers. Convinced the cooperation of all companies by the end of the first year.

Bamford said that in 1929 - Due to the growing concerns of privacy - The Black Chambered abolished, but in World War II restored, and in the middle of the 1940s was abolished again. The idea of cooperation in the telecommunications sector, however, remained. Corderman Preston, director of the US Army Security Agency (ASA), tried to negotiate with companies like AT & T, but threw noble simplicity, that brought up the idea. Western Union, however, turned out to be useful again, but this time, as the RCA will stipulated that the Department of Justice to oversee the project. Like the sought -t AT & T, which capitulated.

The NSA was first formed slowly built a secret office in New York and his staff each day at the time seemed centers telecommunications companies after midnight. Always came out the back door and left by those as well, collected the resulting long telegrams and telephone conversations took notes and then copy and returned to the original recording centers before the day shift . All the data obtained was a computer with the help of - for example, might be different names and content search - without judicial authorization.

However, mainly from the RCA will continue to written permission. During the presidency of Harry S. Truman, General Dwight D. Eisenhower sent a document to the same company, but it does not respond to management. Former Defense Secretary James Forrestal in the RCA executives assured that all was well. Later, telecom operators have received a memorandum prepared by Truman, but only saw Tom Clark signed by the Minister of Justice.

In 1975, the US Congress Church Committee, was on the secret. Bamford had previously worked for the judgments of the NSA in Puerto Rico, and eye and ear witness was that wiretapping of American citizens. The program is called Minaret treated with suspected terrorists, such as Jane Fonda, Muhammad Ali and Martin Luther King. He informed the Committee about the things he experienced chairman Frank Church. The words of many other NSA works. Bella Abzug representatives criticized the leaders of the telecom giants, why they released the "targeted" lists. I tried in vain to prevent this happening Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, the scandal could not be avoided.

Indicates that the US Department of Justice in 1976 produced criminal records of the NSA, which included, among other things, that the whole office of the same criminal organization like the Mafia. Bamford, the recent experience of the online magazine The interception was also reported, and now invited to launch a full criminal investigation against the NSA and the CIA. Unlike the procedure of the church board, however, should be made available to the court and to remove criminals in prison.


2015. január 2., péntek

L'arrière-plan d'affaires malaisien des machines catastrophes cellulaire mystérieuse est beaucoup plus qu'une coïncidence

La vérité est que je ne voulais pas faire face à la disparition des machines malais, parce que personne ne sera mieux du fond réel et probablement très peu de gens savent. Pourtant, il a lancé son propre intérêt de kutakodjak un peu et à la fin je ai obtenu le point qu'il ya tellement appelé. "relations intéressants."
Par conséquent, je vous construit quelques mosaïques sur la disparition et la chute des machines malais ... Pré-parler, que rien ne nous sera pas plus intelligent de ... les faits décrits liens spécifiques, mais dans quelle mesure sont liées à, celui-ci peut considérer, ou à exercer ou de développer la recherche ... Parfois, tels, nous pouvons, parce que vous devez sèche passagers. Mais je ai récemment très étrange que ponctuelles machines malaisiens ou malaisiens appartenant valeur un mois dans de tels cas: Depuis presque tous les mois machines malais sont les nouvelles accent et disparaissent sans laisser de trace (MH370) ou de tomber, les abattre combattants Kiev prétexte la guerre pour créer .. . Depuis lors, la première phrase est toujours d'avoir à regarder la liste des passagers qui étaient assis dans l'avion ...

Presque tous les motifs raisonnables de soupçonner commencer la recherche et de chercher une sorte de connexion ... homme ... Puisque nous savons que Malay machine du jour incroyablement disparu MH370 Freescale Semiconductor, les fabricants de semi-conducteurs, les voitures électriques avec 20 employés et société de développement les dirigeants se sont rendus à la Conférence de Beijing et a disparu dans le vide ...

Avez-vous aussi avez entendu les nouvelles de notre transport de voitures de métro, du matériel de transport électrique, mais autrement, la société d'énergie, ALSTOM à ce sujet maintenant, selon les données scandale de corruption mis au jour payé 3-4000000000 de dollars en pots de vin en provenance d'Indonésie, l'Arabie Saoudite et l'Egypte .. ...


Eh bien, secteur de l'énergie ALSTOM directeur général, M. Choi Chi Man était le Vol QZ8501 (Airbus A320-200) poste de pilotage avec deux filles, qui se est écrasé dans la mer 165 passagers .....


Voyons voir ce que le reste est autour de la maison de l'Air Asia et ALSTOM!

Air Asia a été une perte record pour Novembre ....

Chef de groupe AirAsia (premier dirigeant) Tan Sri Tony Fernandes'befektetési de branche de la Tune Group Sdn Bhd ou parts 944,800 2014.december débarrasser 22-23 ... LINK

Il est également intéressant de voir qui est dans le milieu de l'année pour acheter toute l'entreprise d'énergie à partir ALSTOM 17 milliards de dollars? (!)

Qui d'autre que les États-Unis GE (General Electric)!
Cependant, l'intervention du gouvernement français dans les transactions d'entreprise et effectue interviennent qui menace l'indépendance énergétique du pays, si vous vendez le GE ... LINK basée dans le Connecticut Fairfield,

Le gouvernement français propose que Siemens a été impliqué et faire une offre qu'il ne peut ..... Beaucoup croient l'entreprise ne sera plus créé en raison de la décélération 2015 ...

"Alstom est particulièrement bien positionnée dans les régions du monde dans le besoin de l'énergie, en particulier en Afrique, au Moyen-Orient et en Asie du Sud-Est" - dit Nicholas Heymann, analyste chez William Blair ...

2014.december 19 ALSTOM vous décidez sur la base des votes des actionnaires de prendre les États-Unis par General Electric dans l'énergie de leur entreprise!

Airbus au lieu de Boeing
Très intéressant, sont associés à l'avion de ligne Airbus se est écrasé machines ainsi ...

En été, les Emirats, plus grandes compagnies aériennes du monde de celui que vous consommez et de prendre les nouveaux avions, "comme des bonbons", d'un moment à l'autre supprimer une valeur de 17 milliards de commandes de la société Airbus, dont 70 Airbus A350 a été eu et l'entreprise achetée Airbus a livré à la place de la société américaine Boeing!

L'Emirates n'a pas expliqué sa décision, mais dit qu'il est beaucoup plus en ligne avec les «exigences de la flotte"


Depuis la mi-Décembre, le marché boursier est l'un des plus grands perdants de l'Airbus: actions chutent, l'avenir des nouvelles machines de l'A380 déjà en doute ...
