The leak of the CIA's effort hit to sabotage an Iranian nuclear reactor.
"The disclosure of lives were put at risk," - said Attorney General Eric Holder. "As egregious violation of the public trust is a someone who has sworn to uphold it."
A few months ago was discovered by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung's statement, who said that the CIA routinely planted stories in the institutional media, including stories that are not only not true, but for thousands of deaths also resulted in .
Ralph Lopez writes in the Digital Journal:
"Ulfkotte said that he was ordered to the newspaper, in which work, plant a story that the Libyan President Moammar Gaddafi poison gas factories built in 2011."
The fake chemical weapon stories have appeared before the invasion of Libya, which eventually led to the deaths of 30,000 people.
Similar false stories were used as war propaganda against the invasion of Iraq felvezetéseként, which eventually summarily "intelligence failure as" I explained.
While Holder and the US justice system claimed Sterling leaking to the media of "egregious breach of public trust," such criticism is not directed to the CIA, which is controlled by the corporate media for decades.
The fact is that control of the media by the CIA considered as a completely normal thing.
"The Agency's point of view there is nothing anomalous in such relationships and resolve any ethical issues within the scope of the journalistic profession, not the intelligence community," - written by renowned journalist Carl Bernstein at the end of the 1970s, after the Church Committee's revelation.
The actual scope and severity of CIA management of corporate media will never be known, however, as Bernstein wrote:
The Senate Intelligence Committee, which was chaired by Senator Frank Church in 1976, the CIA investigation, the dimensions of the Agency's press revealed the involvement of several members of the board and the staff several investigators. But the CIA's senior officials, including former directors, William Colby and George Bush persuaded the committee to limit the investigation of the case, and intentionally misrepresented the scope of the actual activities of the final report. The multi-volume report contains nine pages, in which the use of journalists deliberately vague and sometimes misleading discussed. Did not mention the actual number of journalists who have committed the CIA to carry out secret tasks. The role of newspapers and broadcasts not require the co-operation Agency was shut down. "
The "Operation Mockingbird" was carried out in a full circle CIA program to disseminate disinformation throughout the American media. CIA Director William Colby admitted before the Church Committee that more than 400 CIA agent was active in the American media to control what is reported in the mainstream American television, newspapers and magazines.
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