2015. március 25., szerda

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Obama: US troops by the end of the year 9800 will remain in Afghanistan

The United States does not decrease, contrary to the original plans, but by the end of 2015 keeps military contingent in Afghanistan, the size of the current level of 9,800 people - was announced Tuesday by US President Barack Obama in Washington.

After talking about the Obama White House, met for the first time in half a year ago Ashraf Gani elected Afghan government employees. Earlier plans by the end of the year, only 5,500 troops have left Afghanistan troop withdrawal slowing Gani requested.

"Afghanistan is still a very dangerous place" - Barack Obama said.

The US president said that troop withdrawal in 2016 due to the pace determined later in the year. However, he stressed that the deadline will continue in 2017 (by then, about a thousand soldiers remain in the US embassy in Kabul area), and has not changed is that the US forces had no combat role.

Photo: Reuters

The president postponed "really worth" a few months to reduce the number of US forces.

"We want to be sure that we will do everything to the success of the Afghan security forces, helping avoid the need for the visszatérésünkre" - he stressed.

Barack Obama confirmed that the Government intends to extend financial support to the Afghan security forces, at least until the end of the 2017 financial year. This is the case of congressional approval of a $ 4 billion annual commitment will mean.

Ashraf Gani stated that the Afghan leadership does not allow Afghanistan to be "global terrorism launch pad."

Gani, who in gratitude on Tuesday morning at the military cemetery in Arlington, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, the company laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, in a joint press conference in the White House again thanked the US soldiers and taxpayers for the victims taken to Afghanistan.

"Tragedy brought us together, we combine our interests" - echoed.

The Afghan president expressed his satisfaction because of the slowing pace of troop withdrawal, and said that the US certified in this field flexibility Afghanistan will be used to speed up reforms and to ensure better teams and kiképzettségét felfegyverzettségét. In addition to expressing gratitude pointed out that the Afghan peace process will be guided by the Afghans.

At the press conference, President of the American response to a question, said they did not want to comment on the reports that spying for Israel regarding the Iranian nuclear program, the restriction of the negotiations. It is also confirmed that Israel and the United States other Middle Eastern partners will receive information on the progress of the negotiations.

According to him the case of the creation of the agreement of all parties "can lift the hood," to show that a good compromise reached at. Obama said the level of US-Israeli intelligence and security cooperation has not diminished.

The President opined that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's efforts to clarify in the election campaign, rejecting assertions of Palestinian statehood, still does not seem to improve the Middle East peace based on a two-state solution prospects. Obama said no one is thinking of creating a Palestinian state from one day to another, but the Palestinians must give up hope that there will be a secure Israel border countries.

Because of the tragedy of Germanwings passenger Obama expressed sympathy for Germany, Spain and the victims' relatives. He said that he spoke by phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and will call to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Condolences expressed Ashraf Gani also.

Source: MTI

2015. március 21., szombat

"This is not a country, which is the government, but a government which is the country '

William Binney, who became the US National Security Agency, NSA Technical Director of leleplezővé or now perhaps considered to be known as the whistleblower-face, he said that the United States is gradually slipping into the real dictatorship, and the government no longer can be considered constitutional.

Binney, who was in office for 36 years of service and long before Edward Snowden, in 2001 he began to expose how the Secret Service monitors the citizens, has warned that his country will become a fully-managed society.

"I see that we are moving to a fully managed society. Towards a totalitarian state in which the government wants to determine everything. Ronald Reagan once said that "We are a country that has a government." I think that we are now only a government that has a country. "
Highlighting the extent of deception going on in the domestic and international observers regarding the scope of programs, Binney said that the public rhetoric used very similar restraining devices used in the past.

"When it is said that 'he did not do anything wrong, it does not have to fear', first, it helps to know that this Joseph Goebbels said, and secondly, it has nothing to do with the point ... This was taken directly from the book Hitler's rotation. If the person is lying, then good big lie, and repeat this until you do not believe. This is exactly what is happening today. "
During his years in the Office Binney to observe first-hand how totalitarian surveillance methods have been used as the East German secret service, the Stasinál and similar organizations and see the dangers when there is nothing to curb the power of holding such offices.

Binney, like many government agency under the NSA prevail at the 'maintain the problem is that the flow of money "philosophy.
William Binney - fotó: The Guardian

"We are busy with that will come from the following orders," he says. "If we solve the problem, you can dry up the sources of funds. This is his philosophy. "
The "Bullrun" and similar programs to help the weakened global encryption standards, and opened the way for hackers and other secret agencies of the data.

"The NSA does not have a monopoly on smart people. Wherever there are smart people. China and Russia, and these people are just as smart and able to explore a break systems, firewalls, operating systems and encryption protocols weaknesses, as we do, and they can make it through these.
The point is that when these components are deliberately weaken, yet the NSA wants this, because it's easier to monitor, they will be easier to strikethrough for others. "
Some groups within the Office did not even willing to share important information with each other, to expropriate the offensive and defensive techniques.

"The government wants us to believe that in order for our security does what it does. This is a blatant lie. Collect so much data that the analysts unable to process, so it's not very assists them in the fight against terrorism, they are unable to stop such attacks, as in Boston, Paris or Copenhagen attacks.
So the method they use is actually more risk to us than without it. "   
But when the suppliers were told what they were doing, I understood what had to be a lot of hardware and what they are used

Common EU army?

Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU should be to set up a joint army to become a foreign policy actor to be taken seriously. However, raises questions about how this would add to NATO? On the other hand, without a full-scale political union with a common army does not have a chance to act in a credible force. According to America's pathetic attempt to set up a European army.

They do not take seriously

In recent days, a serious debate on the Western European press, President of the European Commission's proposal. Indeed, according to Juncker, the EU should be to set up a joint army to become a foreign policy actor to be taken seriously. The president said the initiative is a part of the Russians would respond to aggression in Ukraine, on the other hand, would counteract the US troop withdrawal in Western Europe. The creation of this army is not only helpful, but it also signal to the world that will never break out war between the EU Member States, Juncker said.

The president said the project - which would not be in the competition with NATO - can also be financially beneficial, as through the acquisition and joint developments around € 120 billion per year in spórolhatnának the European states. Juncker said: "It seems that foreign policy did not take us seriously." At this point, we fully agree with the president, as Merkel and Hollande has Mogherinit, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and not called by the Minsk last month cease-fire negotiations.

Where is the added value?

The design of the common European force 1950 raised for the first time, but has not been implemented, although the EU has formally issued by the rapid reaction force with the Member States. In 2009, the European Parliament supported a motion to set up a 60-thousand-strong European army. The current proposal will be followed by a report, which was put down to the table of the European Summit in June. The report will outline the framework of a European Defence Union, which would support the NATO area of ​​protection.

Among the Member States, Germany and Finland supported the proposal, who want to see the new force within the framework of NATO. London sternly refused - saying that security issues are not part of the EU's table - while Paris is the question carefully. The majority of the Central and Eastern European countries to NATO fáradozna more immediate confirmation.

Most western European newspapers were critical of the proposal. They argued that without a full political union is not a common army a chance to act in a credible force. While the sharp national rivalries in the common policy shaping, while the joint army quickly become impotent, as some Member States emboss their own risk. Some pages highlight that the 28 EU Member States, 22 are already members of NATO and thus difficult Juncker added value fölmutatnia proposal.

Americans see strategic folly

The American Conservative press keeps pathetic attempt Juncker. I think we should clean up in Europe for the first time in the mind, which is reflected by the fact that the level at which neglect the Member States of the European allied defense spending their obligations to NATO. If the EU is a common, coherent foreign policy can not follow even one of the essential issues, you can only wonder what on earth would a common European defense ministry in Brussels?

The Americans held the EU's military incredible erosion. Can talk to deploy armed forces for the economic superpower Germany barely, but still committed Britain to NATO members also faced military decline. The British Army is about to shrink to 50 per thousand active, which is the smallest land forces since London since 1770, unsuccessfully tried to squelch the American rebellion. The Netherlands has a decade was 400 modern Leopard 2 tanks, but they were dismantled in 2011 - most of them sold abroad - saying that what the Dutch Army tanks ever need?

If Europe is to survive, this short-term thinking, which is worth up to a strategic stupidity, no longer afford to make American observers.


Stratfor: Unravel the EU, Russia falls apart

The American Stratfor research a new long-term forecast issued by the European Union that he will be broken down into China "communist dictatorship" and Russia will fall apart.

"It is unlikely that the Russian Federation is maintained in its current form"

- Start the Stratfor forecast for Russia dedicated chapter. According to the research is that Moscow "failed" revenues derived from energy devoted to the establishment of a self-sustaining economy finally experienced the Soviet Union of Russia and countries of the '90s to the' 80s may have a recurrence. The demographic decline, accompanied by process "will shake" Russia - enter the forecast.

This somewhat contradicts that George Friedman - founder and CEO of the research - recently said Russia will be able to recover, supported by the US sanctions, the recent depreciation of the ruble and difficulties due to falling oil prices. "The Russians have the strength to withstand even things that other nations megtörnének" - Friedman also said, referring to the country's military and political power is enough to raise himself up to Europe.

The American Institute predicts that Russia's territorial losses will affect not only the European part of the country. Russia will be weakened its control over the North Caucasus, while the Far Eastern regions, which are closely related countries: China, Japan and the United States may be approaching. The Karelian Republic and will strive to Stratfor, according to re-join Finland.

Due to the employment of former CIA analysts sometimes American institution "shadow CIA" also called also warns that the Russian Federal Security Service will not be able to save the country.

Russia will be a big test for the collapse of the USA - warns the study, noting that "Washington is the only power capable of addressing the issue." "Whatever it is control over Russian nuclear forces seizing - up to a military solution, as 'a stable and economically viable government' inauguration to be - it is likely that the next decade will be to deal with this issue," - says the research.

"The union is broken, he will decompose"

According to the report will fall apart into pieces not only in Russia. The Stratfor researchers say that because of the conflict between nationalism and multi-nationalism "of inter-European relations have become increasingly kiszámíthatatlanabbakká and bizonytalanabbakká. "A single policy does not meet all of Europe" - puts the Stratfor report.

The European Union "may persist in some sense", but relations between the countries will not be "binding" and "governance is primarily a bilateral or multilateral relations will be implemented to a limited extent" -olvasható.

Starch of the CCP?

As well as Japan and the "Asian tigers" - Taiwan and South Korea - China is finished, a low-wage country of cycles with high growth potential, and has entered a new phase of its development - the report notes that this phase of the slowdown can be characterized. China's own "hybrid path" following the centralization of political and economic powers, ensuring the Communist Party control over the army, and the territorial integrity of the country. The Stratfor, this results in a communist dictatorship regime-jellenégek gain.

Elsewhere - in the Middle East and North Africa - will take place later conflicts spread - says the report, which is published in the last two decades by the Stratfor reports of the fifth. Given in 1996, 2000, 2005 and 2010 for such studies in the US think tank.

"The world is a dangerous place to stay"

"As the pre-World War I period, so in this case the well-being and the instability go hand in hand" - said earlier, 1995-2005, projections of Stratfor. Then the agency predicted that "this decade, both between nations and within nations is growing disharmony period". China is expected to "growing instability will suffer", including fragmentation and the possibility of civil war. With Russia in 2005 also wrote that "slowly but surely collapse."

Stratfor scandal

Over the years, the company received a number of sources and methods of criticism, especially after the later imprisoned for hacking - Jeremy Hammond - a member of the hacker group Anonymous hacked the Stratfor's network and handed over the documents acquired by WikiLeaks. Hammond admitted in court that millions of sensitive internal email obtained for the Texas-based computer company.

Stratfor taken by the WikiLeaks published e-mailjeiből revealed that some employees of the intelligence firm close - have maintained contact with the US government and law enforcement agencies - and potentially illegal.

2015. március 18., szerda

Hungary, Austria eyeing EUR 162m railway upgrade plans

Forrás: MTI | 2015. 03. 17. 20:49:34

If the 162 million euro development plan cannot be financed from President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker's 315 billion euro investment plan, alternative funding sources must be found, Levente Magyar, the state secretary in charge of economic diplomacy, told a conference in Sopron, near the border with Austria. Presenting a study on community transport between Hungary and Austria, Magyar said good relations between Hungary and Burgenland near the border would grease the wheels of support for the developments.

Governor of Burgenland Hans Niessl told the conference that relaying tracks between Oberwart (Felsoor) and Szombathely stations would cost 130 million euros, of which Austria would cover 89 million and Hungary 30 million. The Sopron-Ebenfurth railway upgrade would cost 43 million euros, with Austria and Hungary sharing 33 to 10 million.

He said Austria could win up to 40 percent support for the plans under the European Union's current funding cycle while Hungary could have as much as 80 percent supported. The developments would create some 2,200 jobs near the border as well as bringing other economic advantages to the region, Niessl said.

Scrambling the Rubik’s Cube

Forrás: MTI

A cliché of globalisation: western firm outsources to a cheap but skilled workforce in Bangalore or Mumbai. But it can work the other way round, as Mumbai-based film producer Shahzad Bhagwagar has deftly shown.
“We had to build a military post close to the glacier”

Shahzad wanted the kind of Hollywood production values for his latest commercial for an Indian insulated food container you’d associate with James Bond. The spectacular backdrop of a colossal glacier comes to mind. The Himalayas?  Too expensive. How about Austria? Feasible, as it turns out.

Shahzad needed to get a substantial crew to the Kaunertal glacier. Not far in fact from where the icy action scenes in the latest Bond film Spectre were recently shot. 

“Travelling out of Mumbai to other parts of India, when I need to carry the entire crew, results in my travel and boarding costs getting very expensive,” he told MTI in an interview by email. “It makes sense for me to come to Hungary.”

Instead of lugging a big crew and equipment from Mumbai, Shahzad got in touch with Csanád Darvas, a Hungarian producer who specializes in squeezing a lavish-looking film out of an eye-wateringly thin budget. 

Shahzad’s latest project is his fourth collaboration with Darvas, who runs a neat outfit called lowbudgetfilmshooting. com. 

For his first project with Csanád, Shahzad needed something familiar but a bit different. “I pitched a couple of projects and I found his costs extremely viable.” 

“The locations and houses available in Mumbai have been used time and time again over the last 15 to 20 years and hardly any new shooting locations pop up, and as a result a lot of films look alike. We figured that Hungary has a lot of live houses where I could shoot in, and it is more financially viable in coming there with minimal people from Mumbai and shooting in a live house in Budapest vs creating a set in Mumbai.”

But could Csanád rise to something altogether more challenging than minimal set-dressing in a private home or restaurant, say? 

“I was always on the lookout for a young company that was hungry for work and would work out solutions to costs,” Shahzad, who flew out his own small team and several actors, said.

Csanád, who has produced an entire full-length feature film (a noir thriller) for 20 million forints (EUR 65,000), told MTI that his side of the production (camera, art department and extras) for a two-day shoot with a crew of 30 on the Austrian Kaunertal glacier cost substantially less than 80,000 euros. He took over a large Hungarian crew and collaborated with a local Austrian production company who provided location, lights and additional services, from a separate budget.

A similar production in the UK or Germany, say, may cost at least double.

“We had to build a military post out of the nothing close to the glacier,” he told MTI in an interview. “We were laying plywood on the snow, because you could easily sink to your hips taking 20-50 kg pieces of military tents up to the hill.”

“We were about 2,500 meters (8000ft) above sea level: you would lose breath so we worked in slow-motion.”   

When it comes to the crew, Csanád refuses to skimp on costs. “We pay the same, or sometimes better wages to crew members than others do, so we never save on wages.” Good pay but Hungarian levels of pay nonetheless.

Savings come elsewhere. “What you definitely see is that we have much fewer assistants around us, and the production crew takes multiple tasks,” he told me over a cuppa tea in the kitchen of his modest apartment in the Buda hills which often doubles up as his office. “What we don't have is a fancy office, a high marketing budget or extreme wrap parties.” 

Is there a Hungarian knack of doing high quality for little cost?

“We are also eager to find alternative solutions for many issues, from art department to catering; we just connect a few dots a bit differently. We also make use of financial solutions so we don't need to charge our clients VAT,” he said.

“The long-living traditions in the Hungarian filmmaking are still alive. Skilled professionals such as gaffers or the camera team. Working for foreign feature films and for foreign commercials are the tops for film professionals here:  this means we can choose from the best crew members.” 

Shahzad battled with a blizzard on the way home to do post-production in Mumbai. Csanád's team had to leave the props and wait till the blizzard had died down.

“The authorities closed the little mountain road that was near our location. It went on for two days. Luckily we managed to recover all the props from the snow.” 

Look carefully and you’ll see small tell-tale signs of the collaboration: props such as a Hungarian army medical box.

Csanád says the skill in getting a good result for relatively small cost is a matter of having the basics in place but knowing how to use resources wisely.  

“It's reversing a Rubik's cube: you start with all sides ready – people, props, cameras etc. Then there are lots of variations how you mix it: you make your own mix for each and every production.”

2015. március 17., kedd

Sycamore of Tata second in European contest

Forrás: MTI | 2015. 03. 05. 14:39:56

The great sycamore, standing on the banks of the Old Lake in Tata in northwest Hungary, has won second place in this year's European Tree of the Year contest, the Okotars Foundation said on Thursday.
The winner is an oak tree on a football field in Estonia with 59,836 votes, followed by Tata's Oriental plane with 53,487 votes and a poplar pollard from Remolinar in Spain with 13,951 votes.

Photo: Okotars FoundationThe great sycamore of Tata. Photo: Okotars Foundation

A total of fourteen countries participated in this year's contest, including England, Belgium, Estonia and Spain for the first time. The great sycamore of Tata already won the Hungarian tree of the year contest, organised by Okotars, last year.
The contest attracted nearly 200,000 votes at between February 1 and 28. The award ceremony will be held in the European Parliament on April 22.
The international competition was organised by the European Partnership Association (EPA), which includes Okotars as one of its members.
The purpose of the European Tree of the Year is to highlight the significance of old trees in the natural and cultural heritage. The contest focuses on the tree's story and its connection to people, the competition's website shows.
The sycamore of Tata was planted at the entrance of the local fortress 230 years ago. Along with several others, the tree was brought from Versailles on commission by a member of the Esterhazy family.
Hungarian writer and cither player Matyas Pribojszky said he had written the tale of the Sycamore King, after he had regained his writing skills thanks to the tree.

2015. március 11., szerda

Liberman "decapitate" the anti-Israel Israeli Arabs.

Harder, until the "lefejezésükig" called up retaliation against the anti-Israel Israeli Arabs in an election debate, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman - aware of the Israeli media.

"The Israel supporting Arabs all it should have, but against us advantaged - in their case all else fails - should raise an ax, and you must cut off their heads, otherwise we can not live here too," - said the nationalist Yisrael Béténu (Israel Our country leader) party of Avigdor Liberman in the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) herclijai electoral event last weekend.

During the election campaign, Liberman before on several occasions called for the imposition of the death penalty against the "terrorists" and said that "the destruction of Israel and the Israeli Arabs are a fifth column, and should not receive public benefits are."

"The proclamation marking Israel Palestinian Nakba, or catastrophe day black flag elevating the Arabs should not live in my point of view, they gladly and happily relay herewith the Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas" - said the foreign minister.

With this program also stated policy, because according to Israel for an Arab-populated border area since 1948 to pass a future Palestinian state in exchange for some 1967 occupied, populated by Israeli settlers in the Palestinian Territories.

The public discussion Lieberman attacked the Arab joint list of candidates, which in his opinion should not be initiated in the Israeli elections. Previously Ajman Odette, the leader of this party in a televised debate called and advised Gaza terrorists and fifth column.

However, Lieberman called for Palestinian participation in regional peace agreement, which would create the Palestinians, according to him also condemning the moderate Arab states. "Israel's reality converter package you need peace in the Arab States" - opined the politician.

Israel, March 17 parliamentary elections.

2015. március 1., vasárnap

HSBC scandal in the history of the largest banks leaks

Arms dealers, intermediaries working dictators, diamond smugglers were customers in the international banking giant HSBC. It turns out the secret documents became public.

The 45-country International Consortium of Investigative Journalists compression (ICIJ), it is the history of the largest banks leaks. HSBC Swiss banks reached 100 thousand account information in the press, on about $ 120 billion cut.

Hervé Falciano, a former employee of HSBC smuggled out to the bank in 2007 and fled to France and were handed over to the French authorities.

On this basis, in 2010, the former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde is a list of suspected tax fraud charge. For example, included high-ranking politicians in the Greek names.

The file shows that the Swiss bank has not only secured illegal activities (that did not mean they are), but also helped to advise clients on tax evasion and money laundering purposes.

The documents included well-known athletes, rock stars, Hollywood actors, politicians and other influential people.
