2015. március 21., szombat

Common EU army?

Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU should be to set up a joint army to become a foreign policy actor to be taken seriously. However, raises questions about how this would add to NATO? On the other hand, without a full-scale political union with a common army does not have a chance to act in a credible force. According to America's pathetic attempt to set up a European army.

They do not take seriously

In recent days, a serious debate on the Western European press, President of the European Commission's proposal. Indeed, according to Juncker, the EU should be to set up a joint army to become a foreign policy actor to be taken seriously. The president said the initiative is a part of the Russians would respond to aggression in Ukraine, on the other hand, would counteract the US troop withdrawal in Western Europe. The creation of this army is not only helpful, but it also signal to the world that will never break out war between the EU Member States, Juncker said.

The president said the project - which would not be in the competition with NATO - can also be financially beneficial, as through the acquisition and joint developments around € 120 billion per year in spórolhatnának the European states. Juncker said: "It seems that foreign policy did not take us seriously." At this point, we fully agree with the president, as Merkel and Hollande has Mogherinit, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and not called by the Minsk last month cease-fire negotiations.

Where is the added value?

The design of the common European force 1950 raised for the first time, but has not been implemented, although the EU has formally issued by the rapid reaction force with the Member States. In 2009, the European Parliament supported a motion to set up a 60-thousand-strong European army. The current proposal will be followed by a report, which was put down to the table of the European Summit in June. The report will outline the framework of a European Defence Union, which would support the NATO area of ​​protection.

Among the Member States, Germany and Finland supported the proposal, who want to see the new force within the framework of NATO. London sternly refused - saying that security issues are not part of the EU's table - while Paris is the question carefully. The majority of the Central and Eastern European countries to NATO fáradozna more immediate confirmation.

Most western European newspapers were critical of the proposal. They argued that without a full political union is not a common army a chance to act in a credible force. While the sharp national rivalries in the common policy shaping, while the joint army quickly become impotent, as some Member States emboss their own risk. Some pages highlight that the 28 EU Member States, 22 are already members of NATO and thus difficult Juncker added value fölmutatnia proposal.

Americans see strategic folly

The American Conservative press keeps pathetic attempt Juncker. I think we should clean up in Europe for the first time in the mind, which is reflected by the fact that the level at which neglect the Member States of the European allied defense spending their obligations to NATO. If the EU is a common, coherent foreign policy can not follow even one of the essential issues, you can only wonder what on earth would a common European defense ministry in Brussels?

The Americans held the EU's military incredible erosion. Can talk to deploy armed forces for the economic superpower Germany barely, but still committed Britain to NATO members also faced military decline. The British Army is about to shrink to 50 per thousand active, which is the smallest land forces since London since 1770, unsuccessfully tried to squelch the American rebellion. The Netherlands has a decade was 400 modern Leopard 2 tanks, but they were dismantled in 2011 - most of them sold abroad - saying that what the Dutch Army tanks ever need?

If Europe is to survive, this short-term thinking, which is worth up to a strategic stupidity, no longer afford to make American observers.


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