2015. december 31., csütörtök

20 news that determines the current year

It was a busy year this year. More than a million immigrants came to Europe, the Islamic State of assassination shocked the world, but the economic and political life, as well as the world's great sporting guns, have caused bitter disappointment. The year also showed to the world. Every month, several thousand news, videos, photos have been published that are still image. Based on the clicks we are now collected by the events that are most preoccupied you.

An Islamist extremist brothers on January 7, 12 people were massacred in Paris in the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo's house chair, chase after them performed. On January 11, one and a half million people demonstrated in Paris next to the freedom of speech, in protest against the violence.

Firefighters carry a victim on a stretcher at the scene after a shooting at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper, January 7, 2015. Eleven people were killed and 10 injured in shooting at the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, already the target of a firebombing in 2011 after publishing cartoons deriding Prophet Mohammad on its cover, police spokesman said. Five of the injured were in a critical condition, said the spokesman. Separately, the government said it was raising France's national security level to the highest notch.   REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen

Reuters / Jacky Naegele

On 15 January, the Swiss central bank abolished the threshold of the Swiss franc against the euro, the franc was started dizzying appreciation. The forint briefly fallen to historic lows, causing several brokerages have suffered heavy losses.

Sorban állnak az ügyfelek egy genfi pénzváltó előtt 2015. január 16-án. Az előző nap a svájci jegybank, a Svájci Nemzeti Bank eltörölte a svájci franknak az euróval szembeni árfolyamküszöbét, és az ez után megerősödő frank miatt a svájciaknak előnyös a frankjukat euróra váltani. (MTI/EPA/Martial Trezzini)

MTI / EPA / Martial Trezzini

On February 22, Zoltán Ready, an independent candidate supported by the left-wing parties won the interim parliamentary elections in Veszprém, with Fidesz has lost two-thirds majority.

Kész Zoltán független képviselő leteszi esküjét az Országgyűlés plenáris ülésén 2015. március 16-án. MTI Fotó: Illyés Tibor

 MTI / Tibor  Illyés

On February 24, the central bank suspended the operation of Buda-Cash Brokerage House, on March 4, withdrew its operating license. The brokerage house unveiled a series of abuse caused HUF 94 billion in damage. The case suspects to 11 people, and four of them were placed in custody.

A Buda-Cash Brókerház Zrt. épülete Budapesten, a XI. kerületi Ménesi úton 2015. február 24-én. A Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) több évtizedes visszaélés-sorozatot gyanít a Buda-Cash Brókerháznál, ezért azonnali hatállyal felfüggesztette működési engedélyét, és a brókerházzal összefüggésbe hozható Dél-Dunántúli Regionális Bank (DRB) bankcsoporthoz tartozó négy banknál is korlátozó intézkedéseket, így a betétkifizetés 1 millió forintos korlátozását rendelte el. MTI Fotó: Sallmayer Gábor

  MTI Gabor Sallmayer
In March, the company öncsődöt reported issuing bonds Quaestor group. The central bank subsequently suspended and then revoked the license of the Quaestor Securities Inc... Because the company began an investigation on suspicion of felony fraud. The Questor-case victim was 32 thousand, and as it turned out, the company HUF 150 billion in notional bonds launched.

Ügyfelek várakoznak a Quaestor Értékpapír-kereskedelmi és Befektetési Zrt. ügyfélszolgálati irodája előtt az V. kerületi Báthori utcában 2015. március 10-én. Részlegesen felfüggesztette a Quaestor tevékenységi engedélyét a Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), miután célvizsgálata során a társaságnál szabálytalanságokat észlelt. Az előző napon a Quaestor Financial Hrurira Kft. öncsődöt jelentett. MTI Fotó: Kovács Tamás

MTI Thomas / Smith

On 24 March, the French Alps crashed in the German low-cost airline Germanwings plane, the 150 was the victim of misfortune. It was later revealed that the co-pilot struggling with depression deliberately led uphill from the aircraft.

A francia belügyminisztérium által 2015. április 1-jén közreadott képen mentőcsapat tagjai dolgoznak a Germanwings német diszkont légitársaság Barcelonából Düsseldorfba tartó Airbus A320-as utasszállító gépe tragédiájának a helyszínén a francia Alpokban fekvő Seynes-les-Alpes-ban március 31-én. A március 24-i tragédiát a másodpilóta idézte elő szándékosan. A gép fedélzetén 150 ember tartózkodott, senki nem élte túl a katasztrófát. (MTI/EPA/Francia belügyminisztérium/Yves Malenfer)

MTI / EPA / French Ministry of the Interior / Yves Malenfer

In April, at least eight hundred people died when the Mediterranean between Libya and Italy sank a ship crowded with refugees. After the tragedy intensified throughout Europe in connection with the disputes, mass illegal immigration into the continent.

Áldozatokat visznek le az olasz Gregoretti mentőhajó fedélzetéről, miután elsüllyedt egy  illegális bevándorlókkal túlzsúfolt hajó Líbia és Olaszország között a Földközi-tengeren 2015. április 20-án. (Fotó: Reuters/Darrin Zammit)

Reuters / Darrin Zammit

In May, Laszlo Nemes film Illustrious, the son of Saul Cannes Film Festival jury awarded the Grand Prize of the International Film Critics Association Award. The film was at the end of the year, a Golden Globe nomination, Hungarian films nominated last 26 years for this medal.

Nemes Jeles László magyar filmrendező kezében a zsűri Nagydíjával a 68. Cannes-i Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál díjkiosztó ünnepségén Cannes-ban 2015. május 24-én. Nemes Jeles László a Saul fia című filmjéért részesült az elismerésben. (MTI/EPA/Ian Langsdon)

MTI / EPA / Ian Langsdon

Also in May, the International Football Association FIFA in Zurich election of officials congress-seven officers were arrested on charges of corruption the US request. The scandal amid re-elected as the presiding officers since 1998, Swiss Joseph Blatter, however, he resigned four days later, but his successor was elected in place. On 8 October, the Ethics Committee of FIFA has suspended Blatter and Michel Platini for three months, the UEFA President on suspicion of corruption. On 3 December, another two FIFA senior officials were taken into custody at the same time reform package aimed purification approved by the FIFA executive committee of the organization.

Joseph Blatter, a Nemzetközi Labdarúgó-szövetség (FIFA) elnöke (k) ünnepli újraválasztását a FIFA tisztújító kongresszusának második napján, 2015. május 29-én Zürichben. Joseph Blattert újabb négy évre elnöknek választották, miután egyetlen kihívója, Ali bin al-Husszein jordániai herceg visszalépett az elnökválasztás második fordulója előtt. Balról Michel Platini, az Európai Labdarúgó Szövetség (UEFA) elnöke. (MTI/EPA/Walter Bieri)

MTI / EPA / Walter Bieri

After failed negotiations for Greece and international creditors, a new third rescue package, initiated by the Greek Government Alekszisz Ciprasz the Greek referendum on June 27 rejected the agreement. After the referendum, the European Central Bank "has a ventilator," the Greek banking system, so the banks remained closed until July 20th, and capital restrictions were introduced. The second rescue package expired on June 30, Athens drifted to the edge of bankruptcy. On 13 July, the eurozone summit agreed a rescue package for its third fiscal conditions, this has prevented the "grexit" Greece leaving the euro zone.

Jánisz Varufakisz lemondott görög pénzügyminiszter (b) és utódja, Evklídisz Cakalotosz a tisztség átadásán Athénban 2015. július 6-án, miután az előző nap a nemek győztek a Görögország nemzetközi hitelprogramjáról tartott népszavazáson. (MTI/AP/Petr David Josek)

MTI / AP / Petr David jose

On August 27, they were found in the Austrian A4 highway, near Parndorf 71 refugees dead body with a Hungarian license plates csempészjárműben. The Bulgarian case, the three Afghans and a suspect was arrested.

Védőruhába öltözött rendőrök egy teherautó mögött az A4-es autópályán Pandorf közelében 2015. augusztus 27-én. A teherautóban menekültek holttestére bukkantak.  Egyes sajtóértesülések szerint akár az ötvenet is elérheti a halottak száma. (MTI/EPA/Roland Schlager)

MTI / EPA / Roland Schlager

He stopped the East on September 3. No direct trains started west of the square in front of the station is full migrants. After the next day, thousands of migrants from various parts of the country began walking toward the Austrian border, the government - the Austrian and the German Government in consultation with - buses transported the immigrants to the Austrian border.

A Keleti pályaudvartól indult illegális bevándorlók vonulnak Budapesten, a Hegyalja úton - elmondásuk szerint Németországba tartanak - 2015. szeptember 4-én. MTI Fotó: Balogh Zoltán

 MTI Zoltan  Balogh

On September 4, the National Assembly voted for the legislative package aimed at addressing mass immigration. Transit Zone formed at the border, created a crisis caused by mass immigration in a legal category, and a separate criminal facts became illegal crossing of the border lock. 21 Members of the new powers and duties given to the police and the Army for the duration of the emergency situation caused by massive immigration.

Migránsok a Röszke melletti vasúti átjárónál a magyar-szerb határon 2015. szeptember 9-én reggel. MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor

  MTI  Alexander Ujvári

In connection with German Chancellor Angela Merkel asylum seekers arriving in growing numbers on September 5, said the inclusion of people entitled to political asylum is no upper limit, but not those in need of protection must return to their home countries. Germany's statement also sharply criticized.

Angela Merkel német kancellárral (j) készít közös felvételt egy menekült a német szövetségi bevándorlás- és menekültügyi hatóság egyik berlini befogadó állomásán 2015. szeptember 10-én. (MTI/EPA/Bernd von Jutrczenka)

MTI / EPA / Bernd von Jutrzenka
On September 15, the legal closing of borders took effect the next day, a group of migrants at Röszke crossing gate bedöntésével tried to get in Hungary, police pushed them back using tear gas and water cannon. After the law came into force began closing of borders to migrants from Serbia in Croatia, the Croatian authorities transported them to the Hungarian border buses without registration. From the Austrian border they carried on by the Hungarian authorities.

Migránsok a Horgos-Röszke szerbiai oldalán 2015. szeptember 16-án. A magyar rendőrök könnygázt és vízágyút is bevetettek a határ magyar oldaláról az őket dobáló illegális bevándorlókkal szemben. MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor

   MTI   Alexander Ujvári

On September 18, America was made public that the German Volkswagen Group's diesel emission tests for vehicles circumvented by manipulating environmental regulations. A world wide spreading by fraud shook the world's largest car manufacturer positions of CEO of the VW was forced to abdicate. Other car manufacturers have similar mixed under suspicion in the scandal, according to experts, the entire diesel industry's future may be affected.

Sven Stein, a Volkswagen német járműgyártó csoport japán részlegének igazgatója és alelnöke meghajolva kér bocsánatot a vállalat károsanyag-kibocsátással kapcsolatos csalásai miatt a 44. Tokyo Motor Show első sajtónapján 2015. október 28-án. (MTI/AP/Eugene Hoshiko)

MTI / AP / Eugene Hoshiko

In late October over the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula in the Islamic State Russian tourists crashed into a transport aircraft bombings perpetrated by jihadist organizations as a result. 224 Because of the loss of life in terrorist acts in Russia from mid-November has stepped up air strikes against Syria IA.

Haszana, 2015. október 31. A Kogalymavia orosz légitársaság lezuhant Airbus A-321 típusú repülőgépének roncsai az egyiptomi Haszana közelében 2015. október 31-én. Az egyiptomi Sarm-es-Sejk üdülőhelyről Szentpétervárra tartó járat fedélzetén 217 utassal - köztük 17 gyerekkel  - és hét főnyi személyzettel egy nehezen megközelíthető hegyvidéki területen zuhant le a Sínai-félszigeten. (MTI/EPA)


On 13 November, a coordinated terrorist attack was carried out in Paris, in restaurants, concert hall, stadium massacre was committed in 130 deaths. During the perpetrators chase after the police raid hiúsított a new attack on the 18th. The responsibility of the State Islamic jihadist terrorist organization undertook the culprits French and Belgian national, second-generation bevándorlókként identified. After the bombings proclaimed a state of emergency, which was extended for three months the French Parliament in Brussels, the EU headquarters was in place for a week to the highest level of terrorist threat.

Párizs, 2015. november 14. Mentőalakulatok tagjai menekítik ki a sebesülteket a párizsi Bataclan koncertteremből 2015. november 13-án. A francia fővárosban késő este összehangoltan több merényletet követtek el. A lövöldözésekben és robbanásokban legalább 140 ember meghalt, sokan megsebesültek. Francois Hollande francia elnök egész Franciaország területére rendkívüli állapotot hirdetett és bejelentette a határok lezárását. (MTI/AP/Thibault Camus)

MTI / AP / Thibault Camus

On November 24, Turkish fighter planes shot down a Russian-Turkish vadászbombázót the Syrian border region. Russia ordered a response to economic sanctions, suspended the visa exemption for Turkish citizens, and a ban on the organization of tourist trips to Turkey.

Török-szíriai határ, 2015. november 24. A HaberTürk TV adásáról készített képen kigyulladt repülőgép zuhan le 2015. november 24-én, miután török harci gépek lelőtték a Szu-24 orosz vadászbombázót a török-szíriai határ térségében. (MTI/EPA/HaberTürk TV)

MTI / EPA / TV HaberTürk

The December election of officials Fidesz party congress in the post of president re-elected Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced that the next four years to reduce residential construction also VAT of 5 percent.
Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök, a Fidesz elnöke (k), valamint a párt újonnan megválasztott alelnökei, Kubatov Gábor, Pelczné Gáll Ildikó, Gulyás Gergely és Németh Szilárd (b-j) a Fidesz XXVI., tisztújító kongresszusán a budapesti Hungexpón 2015. december 13-án. MTI Fotó: Kovács TamásMTI/ Tamás  Kovács

2015. december 30., szerda

Paris bombings killed one person in charge of

Syria air strike killed with the protagonist of one of the bombings in Paris in November, Charaffe El Mouadan was - announced on Tuesday local time, a US military spokesman. Next to the terrorist organization Islamic State of dozens of other important members of the coalition they conducted légicsapásban.
A French citizen Charaffe El Mouadan was a member of a terrorist group and is closely linked to the assassination megszervezőihez, the Belgian Abdelhamid Abaaoudhoz, the Paris group leader of the terrorist attackers who opened fire on his guests in cafes including the bombings.
El Mouadan actively participated in other planned attacks in the West is preparing to - told a press conference in Washington, Colonel Steve Warren, a spokesman coalition against the Islamic state. The drones are largely conducted with terrorists in Syria and Iraq over the past month. Mouadant last Thursday, was killed in Syria, according to the information.

Abdel Kader also died Hakim, who had also to do with the assassination of the Paris series. The other was killed in Islamist IA mid-level leader - said the colonel, but did not go into the details.

2015. december 28., hétfő

They have stepped up security measures in Vienna

They know the secret services, assassination of terrorists can be made between the two holidays.

Because of terrorist threats have stepped up security measures in Vienna, the secret services because they know terrorists assassination attempt can be made between the two holidays. In addition to Vienna to other European cities may be in danger. The police believe he knows that terrorists időzítenék the two holidays are among the assassination. Bombing or shooting can design against the larger mass events. The not yet revealed the identities of the European capitals, where attacks can be.

Because not know the specific location and time-related threat in Vienna did not give up a previously announced events and places visited by tourists but Saturday was a big police presence and public transport workers are also warned to be cautious than usual. The police asked for from the public not to panic. Laszlo Bodnar, the M1-site correspondent reported on Sunday morning, the city calm.

2015. december 27., vasárnap

Muslim leader called for unity

The main duty of the Muslim countries to improve the public perception of the international picture of Islam - echoed Sunday by the Iranian president. Hassan Rohani in Tehran for an international conference on the crisis situation in the Islamic world spoke.
"We must eliminate Islam a negative image on the web and in the real world with" - he said. He added, violence, acts of terrorism, unfortunately, the majority of the massacres happening in the Islamic world, Africa, the Middle East and West Asia. "He must eye the ideology of violence and the use of the word, transmitted by the Islamic state similar jihadist organizations" - stressed the Iranian leader called for unity and to this end every region and beyond Islamic state.

Iranian President Hassan Rohani. (MTI / EPA / Andrew Gombert)

Calling all about them - said, who is currently bombarding neighbors. Rohani did not name those countries, but it is unknown whether Tehran's support for Yemeni civil war of the twenty Shi'ite rebels, while Saudi Arabia recognized by the international community, Mansur Hadi Abed Rabbah led government.

The Iranian president raised the question as to how many weapons were bought this year if the countries in the region from the United States. It argued that this money could have been spent helping the hungry, needy Muslims. As he said, the material and cultural poverty is the reason that the IA terrorist organization can recruit fighters from the Islamic society destruction.
Resentfully also said that the Muslim countries for years spoken of unity, which is impossible to achieve if you do not connect the Muslim world's economy. "The terror and terrorism can not be disposed of with bombs" - he added. According to the Iranian President on Israel and the region konfliktusaiból most benefit from anti-Muslim forces.

2015. december 12., szombat

Merkel refuses to change

Protect the head of government credibility reject the inclusion in refugee claims relating to the establishment of the ceiling to mark German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who spoke about the congress made the center-right CDU chairman in a Saturday interview, again making it clear that it is not willing to amend the refugee policy stance.
The CDU and in the Bavarian sister party of the CSU in many months on the agenda is the claim that the government's refugee reception capacity in the country narrowness of view, select a létszámplafont, or fix in advance, that Germany takes up to you how many refugees each year. The other main claim to refugee wave interception of the country's border.
Angela Merkel rejects both claims, and this has been confirmed again before the party congress starting on Monday. Two newspaper, the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper Badische Neueste Nachrichten and the interview was published underlined that regular meetings municipal leaders and aid agencies so that - as said - "very well aware" how much burden on the population of the refugee wave. "But if today would appoint as Chancellor a limit, and tomorrow it could no longer comply with the limit, but only because more people are coming, they did not keep the promise and the problems will be even bigger, not smaller," - he said.

(EPA / Michael Kappeler)
The headcount ceiling or ceiling "one-sided and static, and makes everything more difficult, what we want to achieve," - he said. Rejection of the upper limit of the introduction of "question my honesty and credibility" - said Angela Merkel.
In connection with claims to enhance the protection of the state border, said "chasing mirages, who thinks that the refugee issue could sort out the German-Austrian border." He stressed that the aim of the refugee wave attenuation, reducing the number of asylum seekers entering Germany, but "the great refugee waves can be overcome only through international cooperation." Therefore, in addition to national measures on the asylum system reform must focus on controlling the EU's external borders in order to reduce the "illegal migration" and to fight for the cause refugee surge causes correcting to support the many refugees in host countries and the EU Member States outside the EU They should adopt menekültkontingenseket, a predetermined number of groups of refugees.
The menekültkontingens "unilaterally designated a common European agreement and not by Germany ceiling" - underlined Angela Merkel.
When asked why certain that failure to reach a common European agreement, the Chancellor said there are results, and it could be a common action plan between the EU and Turkey under the roof just a few weeks that the parties closely cooperate on illegal migration, validation, and EU financial support will be given for the performance of refugees living on its territory. "Add to this our concept of legal immigration through quotas," - added the Chancellor, stressing that the action plan for the twenty-eight are supported, which shows that - as he said - "not easy, but we are moving forward."
The Congress on Monday in Karlsruhe beginning in preparation for the party's president and chancellor disapproving lines of refugee groups, politicians once again recorded their point of view. For example, a series of home affairs policy makers Armin Schuster Member of Parliament, responsible for border surveillance federal police officers were led to the further strengthening of border protection, calls for the creation of permanent checkpoints in the period, among other things, as long as there is space efficient control of EU external borders.
The CDU and CSU youth organization of the joint (Junge Union) an indication of the ceiling of demands, as well as Reiner Haseloff Saxony-Anhalt prime minister, who first identified a number of dispute has been dragging on for months; a politician, a panel interview, said Friday that he thought Germany every year about 400 thousand refugee reception, integration can do.
The CDU / CSU is one of the economic division, the association representing the interests of medium-sized enterprises (MIT) also requires that asylum-seekers have been checked before entering the country, and, ultimately, to deny them entry.
Common claims that the government will send it to every corner of the world the message that Germany had reached capacity limits of capacity. The justification for the claim that such a message is offset evolved in recent months "suction" and so will the decay of refugees.
The CDU Presidency of the refugee crisis is expected congressional debate around the management put forward a separate proposal for a decision. The text is still working to finalize the Sunday night outsourced Bureau meeting in Karlsruhe. Thursday presented the main elements of the content.
In Karlsruhe, the statement terror and security, and an escape in the document entitled Integration is not in the mind of the staff ceiling and the country of further strengthening of border controls will be no words in it, that the presidency does not allow the judges. Meanwhile, he hopes that the petition they will be able to unite the delegates. The proposal was drawn up in the government's official policy on asylum, but extend a series of elements, such as with the need to fix the refugee integration, integration obligation by law and by the CDU rejects the whole body covering of Muslim women to wear clothing in public.

Gaddafi's son freed

A few hours after the abduction of regained freedom late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi's son Hannibal, who was abducted by unknown gunmen in Lebanon - security sources told the Middle Eastern country.

Hannibal Gaddafi is supposed to be a Shiite militia kidnapped on Friday and demanded information from him decades ago vanished Imam Musa as-Sadr.


Hannibal Gaddafi. EPA / MOHAMED Messara

The religious leaders in 1978, the Libyan capital, Tripoli disappeared. The Libyan leadership has always claimed that Sadr to Rome aboard an airplane departed from Libya and Shiite power struggle between different factions have been a victim.

The sources said the Lebanese police in the Bekaa Valley town of Baalbek found him in Hannibal. They interrogated and transported to Beirut.

The members of the Gaddafi family has long been in Lebanon undesirable persons, in particular the disappearance of the imam Gaddafi regime fist Shiite community is not happy to see them.

Hannibal's wife in Lebanon.

The country is a leader Muammar Gaddafi after the fall of Libya's 2011 political plunged into chaos. Hannibal, her mother and sister in Oman was given refuge in the 2012th

America once again declared war on the Islamic State

Ashton Carter defense minister on Friday evening local time speech made in Washington announced that the United States wants to step up the fight against terrorists IA.

"Further steps are planned in order to implement our strategy, and we will soon reap victory over the Islamic State" - said Carter, who, however, did not report details about it.

US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter. EPA / JIM LO Scalzi

Reportedly, President Barack Obama early next week in talks with officials from the defense ministry to discuss the possibility of enhancing the fight against the terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq.

2015. december 11., péntek

Ciprasz registration of migrants promises

Alekszisz Ciprasz Greek prime minister pledged on Friday that all migrants are now registered in the country.

The Athens parliament, the prime minister - response to a question - acknowledged that Greece belatedly reacted to the migration flows, and in the summer surprised by its size. However, after the European Commission made this delay So, since September, all arrivals are registered - he said.

Alekszisz Ciprasz Greek Prime (MTI / EPA / Alekszandrosz Vlahosz)

Ciprasz also noted in that there are few equipment available in Greece, which in the traditional way, ie with ink fingerprints can be digitized to be uploaded to the Eurodac fingerprint attendance system in Europe. As a result, sometimes it takes several hours to while their fingerprint appears on the Eurodac database. That is why the Prime Minister has asked the EU partners to help Greece to gaining access to such equipment. The Athens State Department said in a statement on Friday for hundreds of such apparatus has only 39 arrived. In addition to Greece, the European Commission set Thursday for Croatia and Italy weaknesses in the Eurodac system to upload data of the migrants concerned.

Leszbosz-sziget, 2015. december 9. Migránsok érkeznek a gumicsónakban Törökországból a görögországi Leszbosz szigetére 2015. december 9-én. Erre a napra virradóra a Földközi-tengert átszelő bevándorlók közül legkevesebb tizenegyen vízbe fulladtak Farmakoníszi görög sziget közelében. (MTI/AP/Szanti Palaciosz)

Migrants came from a rubber boat from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesvos on 9 December 2015. Dawn on this day across the Mediterranean immigrants have drowned at least eleven of water near Farmakoníszi Greek islands. (MTI / AP / arable Palaciosz)
The Greek prime minister confirmed that the government is not opposed to the setting up of a European coastguard, which would better protect the external borders of the Schengen area aims. He added, however: the Aegean Sea, where since the beginning of the year 750 thousand people came (to Greece), the EU's Frontex border agency support not do anything that the Greek Coast Guard has the right, so just deal with life saving.

A fight broke out between pro-government MPs during Friday's report on the Ukrainian parliament Arszenyij Jacenyuk Ukrainian Prime Minister of the government of one year's work.

A scuffle broke out between the two largest pro-government faction, behind the head of state Porosenko Petro Bloc led by Prime Minister and members of the Popular Front, after the president's party arm in arm with a representative of trying to "lekísérni" Jacenyukot the speaker's dais.

Jacenyuk declared its readiness to resign as Prime officers about when parliament so decides. "I took the responsibility for the most unpopular decisions, which no one in our country in the last twenty years" - he stated. According to him when he accepted the position, he was aware that its popularity will decline.

2015. december 9., szerda

Russia will not impose on nuclear weapons

MTI, 2015. december 9., szerda 17:38

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Photo by Kirill Kudryavtsev / Euro PRESS / AFP
Russia does not give rise to a nuclear weapon against the terrorists in Syria, as well as conventional weapons can kill them - said on Wednesday Russian Foreign Minister Italian and Russian media in an interview. Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Russia, the United States and the United Nations hold a trilateral meeting in the Syrian conflict on 11 December in Geneva.
Sergei Lavrov spoke before an official visit to Italy that Moscow does not give rise to a nuclear weapon. Interfax news agency quoted the words of Russian. "There is no need to make any kind of nuclear weapon against terrorists employ" - the Russian minister stressed.

Lavrov responded with Russian President Vladimir Putin's statement the previous day that the new Kalibr type of maneuvering robotic aircraft to a Russian submarine in the Mediterranean Sea on Tuesday launched against a target in Syria, be equipped with conventional or nuclear charge as well. Of course, the latter is not an option in the fight against terrorists - said Vladimir Putin.

In the United States, Russia and the United Nations be consulted

"Friday Staffan de Mistura planned consultations, the UN Special Rapporteur on the participation of Syria in Geneva" - read the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement. Gennady Gatilov Russia will be represented by Deputy Foreign Minister in the meeting.

He supported the US in Iraq, Syria and Islamist fanatics

The collaboration of Sunni forces necessary to prevent the Shiites march in the Middle East! We are aware that the majority of Sunni Salafist militia and want an Islamic state - established experts in the Pentagon 2012th The secret document was published in America right now.
After the fall of Gaddafi in Libya shipped weapons storage sites for the Sunni militias that are trying to overthrow President Assad regime in Syria. In the US, the Gulf allies and Turkey helped them with money and weapons to the militias, which later established the Islamic State of Iraq and part of Syria. Why Washington supported the fanatical Islamist forces? Because he wanted to weaken Iran and its allies in the region: the shiitake. First of all Syrian President Assad and Hezbollah militia in Lebanon.
The US and its allies in Iraq before action was not Al Qaeda in Iraq. General Petraeus, who was commander in chief of the allies in Iraq and later became chief of the CIA in Washington, the method applied in the dirty war. Which in practice meant that his opponents with death squads in his institution. This prompted the formation of the Al Qaeda, while members of the death squads themselves are often joined by the Islamist militias.
Then, Al Qaeda's chief in Iraq, Abu Bakr al Baghdad in June last year proclaimed the Islamic State.

Meanwhile, the Shiite militias are pressing forward in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, supported by the US struggles against them. However, Washington wants Iran to agree, the leading Shiite area of ​​great power.

Who supported the US Arab allies Syria? Nuszrat Al, Al Qaeda organization in Syria, which opposed the Islamic State is the same, but just as fanatical and anti-Western than his opponent.

The whole Middle East situation reminiscent of the old colonial times when the Great Powers believed that manipulate their choice, according to local experts erőket- determined by the Guardian. Anyone who writes to the collapse of a terrorist trial in London, accused of having been a Swedish citizen who fought the Islamic state because the Middle East. It was found that the British Secret Service - in cooperation with the CIA - the same fanatical Sunni-backed militias that fought in the ranks of the accused! When the lawyers asked for additional documents in the intelligence community's role in the Middle East, the court adjourned the trial, and the defendant was acquitted.

The closing of the coalition focuses on Turkish border

The US-led military coalition as its main tasks to wrap up the last phase of the border between Turkey and Syria is controlled by extremist groups in the area.

"We increase our pressure there" - echoed Baghdad press conference Brett McGurk US ambassador. The aim is to deprive the IA was from the smuggling routes through which you can charge and illegal trading lines may finance activities of foreign armed with - he said.

McGurk, who was appointed in October this year Barack Obama for the post, again claimed that only 30 percent implemented so far by the Russian Air Force air strikes have targeted the Islamic State, while the other hit the other armed groups. The trustee argued that the US-led coalition's campaign in Syria is very effective, and there are data to support this view. The Russian air campaign while other goals are to say the least - he said.

Russia launched air strikes in late September ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's support, with the declared aim of attacking the Islamic State. The West accuses Moscow that the majority took aim at benefiting from the support of Westerners, anti-Assad groups of insurgents with air strikes. The British news agency Reuters the Russian Defense Ministry in October hadijelentéseire based analysis showed that 80 percent of Syrian targets announced by the Russians was not controlled by the Islamic State of fields.

Bomb exploded in a Shiite mosque in Baghdad

The suicide bomber exploded in eastern Baghdad's al-Obeidi district. At least eleven people were killed and twenty injured. The bomber in the corridor leading to the gate of the mosque has triggered explosive device attached to his body when the faithful after the midday prayers were made to leave the chapel.

The Islamists supporters in a statement published on the internet recognized as the Islamic State (IA) jihadist organization's responsibility for the bombing. The northern and western parts of Iraq is retaining control over large areas IA Sunni extremists have been addressed on numerous occasions attack against Shiite Muslims they consider heretical. Violence rages in Iraq has been severe. Only in 2014 - it started the 2006-2007 religious violence has been most of the year with casualties - at least 12 thousand civilians were killed and 23 thousand injured, according to a recent UN report.

Merkel's Man of the Year

Angela Merkel was elected Man of the Year by Time magazine. The panel praised the German Chancellor was able to face the challenges with which Europe over the years repeatedly had to deal with.
Wednesday's statement Nancy Gibbs, head of the board of the Greek crisis, Angela Merkel, the migratory crisis and the terrorist organization called the Islamic State's response to the threat posed highlighted.
"Because of the country for more than most politicians because they have, as opposed to the tyranny and the opportunism and moral finances as demonstrated in a world which is a rarity," - he justified the decision by the magazine.
Gibbs stressed that Merkel is not required to agree, but it sure is not the easiest option chosen.
Merkel's Time elections to the terrorist organization called the Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Bagdadit, the US Republican presidential candidates for aspiring property magnate, billionaire Donald Trump, was created against police brutality against blacks Black Lives Matter Movement and Hassan Rohani Iran's president preceded.
This page will be published every year since 1927, that during the year, according to the editors who had the greatest impact on world events. Last year, the fighting ebolajárvány doctors in 2013 Pope Francis was named as Man of the Year. In 1956 the Hungarian revolutionaries chosen Man of the Year by Time magazine.
In conjunction with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi nomination of Nancy Gibbs pointed out that "anything is possible", the editorial is not a moral value judgment about, just take into account that person's influence, and the magazine had also named the Year Man of employees who have been made by horror . Al-Bagdadi and the Islamic State, in its view, however, lost the influence of this year.
In 1938, Time magazine Adolf Hitler, a year later, Stalin found the most influence, who three years later, in 1942, it was chosen Man of the Year.

2015. december 8., kedd

"The Islamic State of cancer have no instant cure"

„Az Iszlám Állam rákos betegség, amire nincs azonnali gyógyír”

The San Bernardino-terrorist action could happen despite the fact that US intelligence and law enforcement are working around the clock ISIS-cells and sympathizers eliminated. Any changes in the US strategy on Sunday night after the White House in Washington conveyed Obama's speech? You will require a visa for Europeans? What will the situation of the Russian-American relationship?

The Americans (too) party. Surveys show that 89 per cent holding in the country's biggest enemy, the terrorist organization Islamic State. The concern increased when it turned out that the 14 fatalities Wednesday's terrorist act perpetrated two radical Islamic spirit was close.
Can you reassure them the country's president, commander in chief when the performance of services in the fight against terror in the country, 60 percent dissatisfied? Barack Obama felt quite hot to the situation on Sunday night when the White House oval office speech televised addressed to the American people. The task was nothing less than to convince the world that has a strategy and the will to be a terrorist organization determined, hard work "destroy". Also, make it clear that there is no place in the perilous times of incitement against an ethnic group insurance exclusion of equal rights in America.
"ISIS is a cancerous disease, which has no immediate cure" - he stated Obama then said bullet points about the treatment.
Continue the liquidation of terrorist leaders, wherever they are in the world. America intensifies fight against the Islamic State, to which 65 countries have joined. Strengthening their intelligence activities in European countries. Special Forces are sent in a dangerous area, continue to arm the Kurds and Iraqi fighters. But it made clear that it will not send troops to the US mainland. The United States is not involved in yet another frontal Middle East war, which can take up to a decade also doubtful, and further ISIS recruit believers.

Aleppo street scene in the autumn of 2015
Photo: AFP / Euro PRESS / Karam Al-Masri
Tighten or close to the Syrian-Turkish border, which had been free of terrorists crossing point. They want to destroy the ISIS and olajkútjait Stores. Financial restrictions on any ISIS, but I did not mention how they take it to the pro-American Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc.), Who has also financially supported the terrorist organization. Speed ​​up the Syrian peace talks, in which Russia's role will be. This implicitly means also means that the US is no longer demanding immediate removal of Syrian President Assad.

However, the military solution is not sufficient. Obama was forced to admit that the IS-IS ideology spreads poisons the brains. The US intelligence, law enforcement working around the clock to ISIS-cells, expose -szimpatizánsokat. But as the San Bernardino terrorist action suggests, everything can not be ruled out. The perpetrator couple gave no reason for suspicion, were university educated intelligent people who have lived the American middle class is also their Muslim life. Seemingly not been in contact with terrorist organizations, they were not part of a larger conspiracy; Involuntary fed to an ideology of sympathy were killed. Even the closest relatives did not know, what you shooting in their heads. In hindsight, "Lady Macbethként" mentioned, Saudi Arabia adults, Pakistani written account of his wife that her husband was close to the radical Islamic views.

The woman Tashfeen Malik without any control, "menyasszonyvízummal" came to the United States. From now on all visa strictly controlled. Those coming to the visa-free countries and may be subject to thorough questioning at the border. For now, therefore, it will not require a visa for the European, but more questioning.

Photo: Getty / Euro Press
Greater pressure now on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites to censor content and prevent that Islamist propaganda tool used.

Obama defended the American Muslim community, who are valuable citizens of the United States and who many atrocities, death threats made in recent days. But he acknowledged that more and more of them are also infected with ISIS. It expects that the Muslim leaders forcefully take action, condemn the Islamic terrorist organizations. The Muslim community is cooperating with the authorities to report suspicious persons.

Once again defended the US arms limitation. He does not understand why Congress did not vote to figures suspected terrorists, who are "no-fly" list by US authorities were not able to buy a gun.

The Obama speech clearly turned out to be a complex, long-term to prepare for war. More new tough measures expected, but the US strategy has not changed much: air attack, drones, containment is yes, do not land war.

Although firmly, Obama spoke rationally, but waiting times of great threat, "Churchill" speech was canceled.

Islamist sugar daddy: big game off the Hungarian police officers attached!

Iszlamista cukrosbácsi: nagyvadat kapcsoltak le a magyar rendőrök!

The police said in a statement yesterday in Bucharest Hollister-long international border crossing Lőkösháza the fast train to the Hungarian police cleared two men who had illegally crossed the border. One is an English jogsit showed up, the other is only a Koran. And it looks like the latter, a certain B. Trevor pretty big catch.

Trevor Brooks, better known as Abu Izzadeen because one of the most notorious Islamist gyűlöletprédikátor Britain. If you really got him to the Romanian border, then it's most significant contribution to the fight against terror Hungary.

According to police, on 17 November the Schengen circling system appeared both caught his European arrest warrant because court ruling banned to leave Britain "due to acts of terrorism, financing of one and a half years, another time they spent in prison for three and a half years on one occasion, in 2009 Buy freed, and that the judgment would only be allowed to leave with the permission of the British authorities for ten years after their release in England. "

The 40-year-old Abu Izzadeen is closely linked to the radical Islamism two leading figures of Britain, Anjem Choudary and Abu Hamzával with. The former figure matching horror film, his hand two hooks are in place (the war in Afghanistan were injured), and for a long time he led the notorious Finsbury Park mosque, the outbreak of radical Islam in London. The way Jamaican-born Trevor Brooks birth of Christianity for the Finsbury Park came to Islam at the age of 18. Brooks is now known as Abu Izzadeen later became Anjem Choudary, the banned terrorist organization called Al-Muhajiroun's founder confidant and right-hand man.

The organization's declared aim to introduce sharia in Britain openly approved of all terrorist attacks perpetrated in recent decades, and they gave spiritual guidance of Lee Rigby's murder. (Memorable as the British soldier London high street, passers-by in front of two pieces of African descent Islamist May 22, 2013).

Abu Izzadeen akció közben

While Abu Izzadeen action
Abu Izzadeen in Britain arrested more than once, in April 2008, four and a half years in prison for supporting terrorism and hatred. In one sermon he advised the faithful:
"Ask God to give you opportunities for shedding the blood of the infidels. [...] My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, a wicked kill for the sake of God Jihad straight path to heaven. "
At other times, the World Trade Center bombing victims dying joked, and approved of the London subway bombing, which claimed 52 lives.
Abu Izzadeent already in May 2009, barely a year after his release from prison under strict conditions, which of course did not prevent the further spreading Islamist ideas. In 2014 he was arrested again for violating these conditions. He received eleven months, but was released again this spring, but the passport application was rejected because it was assumed that you would like to join the Islamic State.
In recent years, according to the news in a candy store was selling halal delicacies. Yummy, Yummy store chain Choudary wealthy brother and Nass Islamist addition to handing out brochures also the East London buyers. Quite handy tying, as the youth of the legbefolyásolhatóbbak.
Now the preacher was arrested for violating the travel ban. Partner Lőkösháza the train, Simon Keeler (otherwise born Englishman who converted) last year came to Dover in a truck's hold. Surely it held in Syria, but that it could not be proven.
It does not take too much imagination to figure out what you are looking for Abu Izzadeen and Keeler train bound for Romania: a large - believed to be safe - Balkan obviously just took a detour towards the Islamic State. Since the arrest of a Hungarian jail guarded by them, but they must be returned to the British authorities.

Az Illuminati és az annunakik titkos egyezsége/ The Illuminati and Annunaki secret pact Video

2015. december 4., péntek

"Just a few more machines will be going to Syria '

The German army is conducting the fight against air forces of the Islamic State of

német légierő 20151205

As expected, it voted by a large majority of the German legislature's lower house (Bundestag) on Friday the government's submission that the army (Bundeswehr) provide direct support for air strikes against the Islamic State of Syrian positions. The Syrian opposition, however, a little help air strikes, land troops would be needed.

The German military intervention in Syria on Friday voted six hundred thirty members of the Bundestag, 445 of which 598 are supported by its representative on the Bundeswehr also join the jihadist organization positions bomber international coalition. Against the government's proposal of an 146 votes, representing seven abstained. The governing parties - the CDU / CSU party alliance and the center-right Social Democratic Party (SPD) - Representatives voted almost without exception, yes. The opposition side of the SPD to the left of the pacifist left a body rejected the new foreign Bundeswehr's mission. According to the speakers chanted for external military intervention in 2011 has been more and bloodier civil war in Syria sinking everything will be even worse.

The government rapidly took over the Syrian mission launch date compared to the Bundeswehr missions abroad to prepare. The Cabinet on Tuesday adopted the proposals, which the parliamentary debate on Wednesday it had begun.

Germany organized from the outset, a member of the international coalition against the Islamic state, but so far not directly involved in the attacks, but also to train and arm the Iraqi Kurdish Self-Defense Forces Northern (pesmergák) played a role. The air strikes after a strong direct support for the government to France because of the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November asked for help from the EU member countries in the fight against the Islamic State. The Bundeswehr issue two hundred thousand-strong contingent from the mission to which thirty-four hundred million euros to the government. The German army is mainly carried out reconnaissance aircraft and a frigate involved in the protection of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle ship.

The French head of state on Friday visited the Charles de Gaulle military ship, which currently starts the eastern Mediterranean region from military military operations. Francois Hollande met personally with the soldiers who are involved in the increased fight against the Islamic State. The Syrian opposition Free Syrian Army groups belonging to a spokesman at the same time yesterday in connection with the British air attacks declared their little help against the dzsihadistákkal without ground troops will be difficult to achieve anything. He said: "Only a few fighter will be more." The Western coalition of extremists has been bombarded more than a year, but only the British Air Force on Thursday was linked to the Syrian attacks.

Attack against Russian interests is ISIS

isis lead

The Islamic State (IA) Syrian jihadist organization of ten members arrived in Thailand with the aim to carry out attacks against Russian interests - said on Friday in the Thai media citing police sources.

The news coverage and community sites had published a letter dated Nov. 27 internal police report, which was sent to the national headquarters of the police stations into "urgent" or "confidential" classification. The police headquarters on the basis of the Russian Federal Security Service on (FSB) information received writes that on Oct. 15 to 31, ten Syrian citizens - all of the IA members - arrived in Thailand, eight of them also by the Russians popular tourist centers, Pattajában, Phuket Island and Bangkok, the two of them went to an unknown destination. They arrived in the country to carry out attacks against Russian interests in Thailand.

A Thai police spokesman confirmed the authenticity of the letter published in the media. Thavim Netnij, director of the Thai National Security Council said that the case meets the body throughout the day. It called on the inhabitants of the country not to panic because the police can protect them from danger.

Russia against September 30-n, aerial campaign launched at the request of the government of Damascus in Syria IA and other extremist groups. A month later it crashed in the Sinai Peninsula in the Russian airline Kogalymavia aboard Sharm-and-Sejkből St. Petersburg airliner flying passengers and 7 217-strong staff. Nobody survived the disaster, the vast majority of the victims were Russian. The local branch of IA stated that it placed a bomb on the plane and later the FSB confirmed that bomb blast caused the tragedy. Then Russia stepped up its air campaign in Syria, strategic bombers have also been made against the extremists.

According to the Russian anti-terrorist authorities nearly two thousand, five thousand, according to other experts estimated the number of Russian citizens who are fighting in Iraq and Syria to the Jihadist side. Many Islamist Chechnya, the North Caucasus or other térségeiből traveled to areas under their control IA.