The CDU and in the Bavarian sister party of the CSU in many months on the agenda is the claim that the government's refugee reception capacity in the country narrowness of view, select a létszámplafont, or fix in advance, that Germany takes up to you how many refugees each year. The other main claim to refugee wave interception of the country's border.
Angela Merkel rejects both claims, and this has been confirmed again before the party congress starting on Monday. Two newspaper, the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper Badische Neueste Nachrichten and the interview was published underlined that regular meetings municipal leaders and aid agencies so that - as said - "very well aware" how much burden on the population of the refugee wave. "But if today would appoint as Chancellor a limit, and tomorrow it could no longer comply with the limit, but only because more people are coming, they did not keep the promise and the problems will be even bigger, not smaller," - he said.
(EPA / Michael Kappeler)
The headcount ceiling or ceiling "one-sided and static, and makes everything more difficult, what we want to achieve," - he said. Rejection of the upper limit of the introduction of "question my honesty and credibility" - said Angela Merkel.
In connection with claims to enhance the protection of the state border, said "chasing mirages, who thinks that the refugee issue could sort out the German-Austrian border." He stressed that the aim of the refugee wave attenuation, reducing the number of asylum seekers entering Germany, but "the great refugee waves can be overcome only through international cooperation." Therefore, in addition to national measures on the asylum system reform must focus on controlling the EU's external borders in order to reduce the "illegal migration" and to fight for the cause refugee surge causes correcting to support the many refugees in host countries and the EU Member States outside the EU They should adopt menekültkontingenseket, a predetermined number of groups of refugees.
The menekültkontingens "unilaterally designated a common European agreement and not by Germany ceiling" - underlined Angela Merkel.
When asked why certain that failure to reach a common European agreement, the Chancellor said there are results, and it could be a common action plan between the EU and Turkey under the roof just a few weeks that the parties closely cooperate on illegal migration, validation, and EU financial support will be given for the performance of refugees living on its territory. "Add to this our concept of legal immigration through quotas," - added the Chancellor, stressing that the action plan for the twenty-eight are supported, which shows that - as he said - "not easy, but we are moving forward."
The Congress on Monday in Karlsruhe beginning in preparation for the party's president and chancellor disapproving lines of refugee groups, politicians once again recorded their point of view. For example, a series of home affairs policy makers Armin Schuster Member of Parliament, responsible for border surveillance federal police officers were led to the further strengthening of border protection, calls for the creation of permanent checkpoints in the period, among other things, as long as there is space efficient control of EU external borders.
The CDU and CSU youth organization of the joint (Junge Union) an indication of the ceiling of demands, as well as Reiner Haseloff Saxony-Anhalt prime minister, who first identified a number of dispute has been dragging on for months; a politician, a panel interview, said Friday that he thought Germany every year about 400 thousand refugee reception, integration can do.
The CDU / CSU is one of the economic division, the association representing the interests of medium-sized enterprises (MIT) also requires that asylum-seekers have been checked before entering the country, and, ultimately, to deny them entry.
Common claims that the government will send it to every corner of the world the message that Germany had reached capacity limits of capacity. The justification for the claim that such a message is offset evolved in recent months "suction" and so will the decay of refugees.
The CDU Presidency of the refugee crisis is expected congressional debate around the management put forward a separate proposal for a decision. The text is still working to finalize the Sunday night outsourced Bureau meeting in Karlsruhe. Thursday presented the main elements of the content.
In Karlsruhe, the statement terror and security, and an escape in the document entitled Integration is not in the mind of the staff ceiling and the country of further strengthening of border controls will be no words in it, that the presidency does not allow the judges. Meanwhile, he hopes that the petition they will be able to unite the delegates. The proposal was drawn up in the government's official policy on asylum, but extend a series of elements, such as with the need to fix the refugee integration, integration obligation by law and by the CDU rejects the whole body covering of Muslim women to wear clothing in public.
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