2015. december 11., péntek

Ciprasz registration of migrants promises

Alekszisz Ciprasz Greek prime minister pledged on Friday that all migrants are now registered in the country.

The Athens parliament, the prime minister - response to a question - acknowledged that Greece belatedly reacted to the migration flows, and in the summer surprised by its size. However, after the European Commission made this delay So, since September, all arrivals are registered - he said.

Alekszisz Ciprasz Greek Prime (MTI / EPA / Alekszandrosz Vlahosz)

Ciprasz also noted in that there are few equipment available in Greece, which in the traditional way, ie with ink fingerprints can be digitized to be uploaded to the Eurodac fingerprint attendance system in Europe. As a result, sometimes it takes several hours to while their fingerprint appears on the Eurodac database. That is why the Prime Minister has asked the EU partners to help Greece to gaining access to such equipment. The Athens State Department said in a statement on Friday for hundreds of such apparatus has only 39 arrived. In addition to Greece, the European Commission set Thursday for Croatia and Italy weaknesses in the Eurodac system to upload data of the migrants concerned.

Leszbosz-sziget, 2015. december 9. Migránsok érkeznek a gumicsónakban Törökországból a görögországi Leszbosz szigetére 2015. december 9-én. Erre a napra virradóra a Földközi-tengert átszelő bevándorlók közül legkevesebb tizenegyen vízbe fulladtak Farmakoníszi görög sziget közelében. (MTI/AP/Szanti Palaciosz)

Migrants came from a rubber boat from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesvos on 9 December 2015. Dawn on this day across the Mediterranean immigrants have drowned at least eleven of water near Farmakoníszi Greek islands. (MTI / AP / arable Palaciosz)
The Greek prime minister confirmed that the government is not opposed to the setting up of a European coastguard, which would better protect the external borders of the Schengen area aims. He added, however: the Aegean Sea, where since the beginning of the year 750 thousand people came (to Greece), the EU's Frontex border agency support not do anything that the Greek Coast Guard has the right, so just deal with life saving.

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