2016. január 20., szerda

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Slowly but surely we are moving toward a bloody denouement!

argin of ...Where are the "war refugees"? A dirty, trash lie m

A német állampolgárok adójából fenntartott hivatal nem hajlandó segíteni, megvédeni a saját adófizető polgárait
German citizens from the tax office maintained refused to help defend their own tax-paying citizens

A year ago we hear every forum that those who áttaposnak of European countries, the poor are poor, fleeing the hell of war away from families. Those who are trained and it will be a flourishing of aging, unable to renew Europe.

Who else dares (t) stopped right away the rotten fascist, was stigmatized as anti-Christian.

And for what?
It comes with an authentic character, a mob to help the invading German woman. For months he worked among them and for them. And do not take it anymore. Because you see, feel, notice that what you see in the German media reports, has nothing in common with reality, however, the Nazis condemned exclusionary talking and talking about reality ...

In black and white it turned out: they are not war refugees, but also the European welfare rabble who want to take away for free. They are not educated, they do not want to work, they want to take away everything. They can not express their thanks, but also state that they all go. These are not families, but almost entirely of young men. They do not respect anything or anyone, but violent indefinitely.

A young woman helping migrants from the report highlights two amazing detail:

"For example, one resident of the refugee accommodation showed him the paper on visszatoloncolásáról. He explained to the refugees what that means. The same man shortly afterwards another kolléganőjénél new documents appeared under another name. The man ultimately expelled, but was moved to another accommodation. "

So much for the credibility of Ms. Merkel ... The fact that exposing the country (and Europe) those who do not war refugees. This paper was savage violence that you have to leave Germany. When it turned out, not thrown out, was not sent home, but was transferred to another refugee accommodation. Here to tell Mrs Merkel! This culture of compliance by the German authorities? To believe us then anything you say, Miss Chancellor?

Really simple media and social networking to be muzzled like to see the mistake?

The other details are still shocking:

"The social worker described as, after a few months he found himself, it has been rather not wear tight clothes that you will express love anyway. Only just more trousers and tops in a closed up, make-up is now no longer used at all, a maximum of primer. Not only externally changed to avoid molesztálásokat. "

Here we are. It does not need any commentary, unfortunately.

And "slusszpoén"

"These problems were reported despite the agencies, they did not receive any help. If the phone trying to call them, they often do not take them up on the phone. "

Yes, they understand! German citizens from the tax office maintained refused to help defend their own tax-paying citizens.

Big trouble out there, very big trouble. And it gets bigger every day ...

Of course there are no illusions. Just like in Hungary - as in the case of a Felony and parasitic criminals "refugee helper" Baby - triggered the terrible machinery of whitewash. The poor woman is meghurcolják, called into question, the barbarous words, and destroy even more. Like the poor Italian girl who tried to help the beözönlőkön and "gratitude" Many raped. The other migránspátyolgató idiot and instead would have helped him, was forced to conceal the crime, because it would harm the eszmémnek ...

Unfortunately, slowly but surely we are moving toward a bloody denouement. The longer this insanity, the more bloody end.

2016. január 19., kedd

Eagles - Take it easy 1977/ He died the founder of The Eagles+ video

Glenn Frey, guitarist of the legendary rock band was 67 years old.

Manager Frey's death was announced.

"Glenn bravely struggled in recent weeks, but unfortunately the complications caused by rheumatoid arthritis could not beat" - read the super group's official website.

epa05109654 A file picture dated 19 January 2013 shows Glenn Frey of the rock group the Eagles talking to the press as he arrives for the premiere of the movie 'History of The Eagles Part 1' at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, USA.  Glenn Frey has died at age 67, according to media reports on 18 January 2016.  EPA/George Frey

In 1971, Los Angeles was founded Eagles exploded in the early 70s in the rock world, then Linda Ronstadt background orchestra.

The four-member rock band was trained musicians, and the sound of country music to rock music matching style in a separate band soon became a success. In particular, country-rock and folk-rock played.

One of These Nights, the Best of My Love, or Life in the Fast Lane today evergreen hits. One of the biggest success: the Hotel California from 1976.

Glenn Frey of the Eagles guitarist and singer was, Take it Easy, Tequila Sunrise or the numbers was reminiscent of the voice.

The band in the mid-Seventies heyday, Discs over one hundred million copies. Frey in the eighties on the discs also achieved great success.

He died the founder of The Eagles+ video

Glenn Frey, guitarist of the legendary rock band was 67 years old.

Manager Frey's death was announced.

"Glenn bravely struggled in recent weeks, but unfortunately the complications caused by rheumatoid arthritis could not beat" - read the super group's official website.

epa05109654 A file picture dated 19 January 2013 shows Glenn Frey of the rock group the Eagles talking to the press as he arrives for the premiere of the movie 'History of The Eagles Part 1' at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, USA.  Glenn Frey has died at age 67, according to media reports on 18 January 2016.  EPA/George Frey

In 1971, Los Angeles was founded Eagles exploded in the early 70s in the rock world, then Linda Ronstadt background orchestra.

The four-member rock band was trained musicians, and the sound of country music to rock music matching style in a separate band soon became a success. In particular, country-rock and folk-rock played.

One of These Nights, the Best of My Love, or Life in the Fast Lane today evergreen hits. One of the biggest success: the Hotel California from 1976.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Glenn Frey of the Eagles guitarist and singer was, Take it Easy, Tequila Sunrise or the numbers was reminiscent of the voice.

The band in the mid-Seventies heyday, Discs over one hundred million copies. Frey in the eighties on the discs also achieved great success.