2015. február 13., péntek

Warlords and armed extremist groups hinder the settlement of the situation in Ukraine

Kiev flurry of activity going on - with the start of the driving system, radically transforming reform, realized the fight against corruption basic guidelines (of this committee leader of the US-Georgian citizens, Saakashvili was appointed by the Government of Ukraine, Georgia, was head of state, because of who cowardice of one of the largest in the world tie collection can boast, and against whom the Georgian prosecutor's office filed charges last year because of embezzlement of state property ... the rev.), the tax authority to confiscate (?) of the Financial oligarcháktól illegally acquired assets. You can feel the growth of civil activity, and the new government, which many ministers for foreign-born, or where he continued his studies (or are not even citizens of Ukraine, because there are also ... the ford.) Substantially independent of the richest in the country's people and those who used to be dictated by the policy.

In recent months, after Russia annexed the Crimea and the Donetsk basin occupied eastern industrial region, strengthened the Ukrainian defense. The Ukrainian defense ministry, which has been integrated into rampant corruption and Russian agents were active, deposed the lead. Improved the combat readiness and develop the defense industry, launched the tanks, modernization and overhaul of the organization and implementation of the artillery and armored personnel carriers. Now, in the middle of winter to reduce the chance that Russia will launch a large-scale attack.

Had last February, and the subsequent demise of Russian aggression Yanukovych regime after Ukraine's new government to recognize that the country's army of poorly trained, and were used by the thousands of volunteers to help. These volunteer fighters patriotism, defense of their country took up arms. Many of them were veterans of the future of civil unrest. Financial assistance to these fighters primarily voluntary gyűjtéseiből ordinary people and small and medium-sized enterprises have received donations.

Smaller part of the volunteer units composed of representatives of ultra-right movements fighting for ideological reasons. Among these is the ultra-conservative "Pravij sector" and the infamous "Azov" battalion - in the future events, these members did not enjoy public confidence because of the extreme nationalist and anti-democratic views. Other volunteer units, things like the "one-Dnyepr" oligarchs organized, they are funded, and they determined their activities.

Last spring and summer, the majority of configurations certified volunteer and helped repel the attacks of exceptional courage Russian friends. In recent months, the majority of these volunteer squads reorganized the Interior alakulataivá special purpose, and the army became egységeivé.

Currently, some of these volunteer units - especially those linked to the oligarchs and the extreme right-wing organization, must not the best side elhíresülni begin. In recent months, state officials were kidnapped, more are threatened Porosenkonak, President of Ukraine "promised" to take over power from him, if proves incapable of defeat among Oroszországot.Többek armed with live instruments illegally replaced with local authorities, companies were seized.

In August, the battalion "Dnyepr-1" fighters kidnapped the President of the State Land Committee, appointed office not because they like a man, one who could hurt some business circles. On 15 December, these units intercepted Donbassz pro-Russian part of the holder aid shipment - the territory of the separatists threatened humanitarian disaster.

On December 23, the "Azov" battalion announced that it will bring under the control of the eastern part of the country's port city of Mariupol. Did it all without the formal permission of the local leadership and national governing bodies.

Characteristically, a unit of the armed extremist formations, members of the "Ajdar" Battalion 38 prosecutions brought against the state prosecutor's office.

The subordination of hypothecation, flagrant violations of the rule of law, jobbery the series of repetitive cases already took a threatening size of Ukraine for such 'difficult situation. These volunteer formations seriously troubled Porosenko president and the administration, who reportedly also threw up this issue at its November meeting National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. (Inevitably comes to mind, what about the fact that, if supported by extremists to the West "to protect the values of" ... Osama bin Laden - Al-Qaeda ... Kosovo - destitute narco state transit ... against Syrian President Assad "Arab Spring" - ISIS ... the ford).

Arszen Avakov

Otherwise, the most disturbing is that the post of Minister of the Interior Arszen Avakov loaded. Instead curb extremist militants authoritarianism, finding that it had what we have done and the outcome of these dependent measures would, he urges that these battalions receive heavy weapons, including tanks and PSZH cookies (the "Azov" days 6 was able to shoot down helicopters, armored car ... the ford.) and proposes to develop them brigade level. It is striking that in September the neo-Nazi "Azov" battalion commander was appointed rendőrfőnökévé Kiev area.

Equally alarming Dnyepropetrovszki the area's governor, Igor Kolomojszkijnak activity. Kolomojszkij, who was a key figure and played a commendable role in the stabilization of the eastern Ukrainian situation currently ignores the central Kiev government will not let you Donbasszba aid shipments and allows it sponsored volunteer corps in that illegal acts perform.

What can you do in this situation? Porosenko obviously trying to solve this problem, but is not intended to act itself, but it is also possible that he is unable to do anything. In order to get out of this delicate situation, you probably need to support Arseny Jacen Prime Minister, who also will do nothing against this risk; probably because Avakov is a major ally.

Ukraine Western financial maintenance in the first place they need to create the conditions to enable the country to avoid military dictatorship in the nascent. You must ensure that the volunteer battalions honest fighters carried to the Garda or regular military units.

The Ukrainian leadership should not be more legitimate to hide this growing threat, fearing that it would increase the resistance or negative trigger coverage of the world press. Ukraine has a lot of problems, but it is moving in the right direction. The fact that the possibility of a military dictatorship even eliminate the initial stage of development, the only country to increase the capacity and safety.

(Adrian Karatnycky is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, "the Ukraine to Europe" movement co-chairman.)

(The author uncritically Porosenko friendly. The Ukrainian government to assess the performance ranks there are a lot of half-truths, and even disingenuous. But the neo-Nazi indicator appears thereof, is the "volunteers" called mercenaries massive illegal its personnel, military dictatorship risk limit. If you worked for the Atlantic Council Irish things like what a real situation? call on Western financial donors and highlights the fact that the Ukrainian people have the least to do with válsághoz.Lehet that the separatists claims are true, that they are fighting against fascists? ... the ford.)

Source: The Washington Post, Adrian Karatnycky -

2015. február 1., vasárnap

Now customers capitalized on banks - Coming to the global bail-in

eurotheftHUSource: Lew Rockwell

Who may have missed the notification, it helps to know that you have seen in Cyprus bailout method in other countries will soon come into force.

The G-20 member countries (including the EU) is an important decision was taken on November 16. The world's mega banks are entitled to the depositors' money is used as collateral derivative transactions, and if they lose, the fuse will regard the transaction partner.

The governments of the G20 countries are obliged by law to overcome critical agreement with what most of us have already been completed.

Excusable, if someone did not pay too much attention to the G20 meeting, since roughly the continued what they started earlier, namely, that the central bank a few trillion dollars / euros are injected into the global economy.

However, the meeting adopted a proposal was wearing: a decision on the global systemically important banks veszteségnyelő ability to comply with the requirements. Not the kind of reading that a man can not put down. The average reader is more likely to have been the sight of the title, the proposal is fundamentally changes the rules for banks all over the world, and, as expected, is not a good direction.

The change as a result of "unsecured debts" capitalized on the fail-too-big-banks deposits, eliminating the ugly and extremely unpopular with the public, bank rescue financed by taxpayers' money that will be used during the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

These unsecured debts will make up a significant portion of our bank deposits. Insolvent banks thus the conversion of securities and bank deposits, we capitalized on themselves. So now, when we make money in the bank, we take the same risk as if we buy shares. But we could say is that as soon as the horse would do the Shooting Star Kincsem park, this is essentially because the banks do with our money.

The G20 meeting also decided that the derivatives - contracts are toxic, what Warren Buffett's "financial weapons of mass destruction" called - debt secured count.

Thus, since the bank deposits, unsecured debt is considered, by the bank as collateral for a secured creditor, guess to who gets the money if the bank's investment goes wrong? I'll help you: not yours.

Heads or tails? If heads, the bank wins, tails, you lose it.

Fortunately, the "insured deposits" does not apply. In the United States, for example, 100 percent of the insured deposits held in banks protected up to $ 250,000 due to the federal deposit insurance, but the insurance fund as a reserve ratio is below 1%. So all the FDIC to $ 100 less than one dollar coverage is in reality.

This is still quite a lot of money, which was 54 billion dollars at the end of September 2014, but nevertheless is dwarfed in comparison to the value of $ 6,000 billion in insured deposits, not to mention the derivative contracts worth a total of nearly $ 300,000 billion. Only Wall Street bank's collapse would be enough to exhaust the full insurance coverage.

US laws allow the Treasury to supplement the missing amount, at the time of the banking crisis csőstül trouble coming. Many will stand in line for money, including those who are likely to have better political relations with us, than the average citizen.

cartoon_stickup-cyprus-bank_robbery_of_the_cypriot_peopleAnd how it looks in reality? Scenario adopted by the G20 under the non-insured bank deposits would be worse off than the Cypriot state bank account holders in 2013, when Cyprus became insolvent. His claims were favored with respect to the derivative transaction partners. Was returned to each depositor is not provided half the money (though nothing were in one of the state-owned bank).

Perhaps an even better example of Lehman Brothers situation. When the bank filed for bankruptcy in 2008, the unsecured creditors received 21 cents per dollar.

The man thinks about whether the G20 has been why such a decision. The most obvious explanation is that they want to avoid the politically unpopular bailouts in favor of the re-deployment of mega banks.

However, there is another, less obvious reason as well. The G20 hope that the people making government bonds provided by the Member States to invest more, causing most of the G20 countries currently characterized by alarmingly high rates would be reduced.

I do not know when it will break out following the global financial crisis, but it does mean that everyone in your wallet and mind. Not those of bankers and financial genius who invented the cause of their own downfall "financial weapons of mass destruction."

Will the next economic crisis brings the world government?

Joseph Candel: As was already pointed out many times, crises lead the world to prepare the ground before the World Government and its future leader of the anti-Christ, who would then be the savior of the world as to the solutions to the problems that are largely to him and his followers owe.

"His place is an outrageous. It does not give him the royal dignity, but it comes unexpectedly, and the kingdom acquired by stratagem. ... Smoothly even get the richest province, and a test as any predecessors or ancestors did not. Prey, and prey treasures distributing his supporters ... "Daniel 11: 21-24


For many, it is known that the global elite, according to a widespread economic crisis would be a major step in the New World Order, in other words, towards the establishment of a world government.
David Rockefeller in 1994, said:
"We are on the threshold of a global transformation. Only the proper crisis is necessary to adopt the nations of the New World Order. "
He did not address how the crisis thinking, but an economic crisis quite well by many to fulfill those purposes.
In 2008, Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister at the time, said that
"The international financial crisis has provided a unique opportunity for world leaders to create a truly global society."
So according to him started in 2008, destroying many of the financial crisis is an excellent opportunity.
This (Barack Obama was Chief of Staff főnőkéről named) Rham rule known as the principle is similar, in simplified terms something like: Politicians advised that crises can be exploited to introduce an unpopular laws or programs that no one would accept under normal conditions.
In 2012, Nigel Farage, the European Parlement representative said:
"It's hard to ignore the voices that are now said to me 20 years ago that all of these [economic crisis] is behind a group of people who want to create a one-world government. I tried to ignore these voices, emphasizing that "Do not give too much credit to conspiracy theories," but I have to say the [world government] has slowly in front of us. "
In November 2014 and it was really in front of us, when the so-called "too big fail" banks, courtesy of the G20, the banks passed on the responsibility of erroneous decisions made by the depositors.
Is there an even clearer indication that the world's largest banks expect the global economic crisis?
About the same time, the price of oil has started to fall, which was a very negative impact on Russia, Iran, Venezuela and some African country's economy. The cheap price of fuel, of course, seen as a positive count in some respects to the ordinary people, but now it became apparent that several federal states, such as Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and North Dakota are therefore in trouble.
Because of declining oil prices, many large US companies serious loss of revenue forced to reckon. The US oil companies for oil extraction is more expensive to, say, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait or Iraq compared. Some companies have abandoned the establishment of new wells, some serious job cuts are planned and others have been unable to repay their loans and do not have to say that shareholders can not expect any dividends.
The oil industry due to problems in other areas also have an impact on the United States, it is now less piping, pumps, motors, etc. is required, the manufacturer of these companies are less employees, and so on.
What we know for sure that the world vast world of government they want, and they believe that a crisis, perhaps an economic crisis, create the necessary conditions that the onset of attenuated or completely cease resistance of the people and everyone accepts the solution offered.
The terrain is ready: banks passed on from any financial liability for Bankruptcy, the price of oil on the floor and although there is no agreement, it is widely believed that the next crisis clouds are already upon us.