2015. január 23., péntek

Soros, the European Union, the Global Governance failed attempt


Source: Activist Post

Does the initiative of the Western elites in the European Union is falling apart? As a result of persistent economic problems, there is a growing public resistance to the mainland, the coup against Ukraine and as a consequence against Russia and after a very unpopular war and economic megrendülni visible pillars of the EU as well.

In an interview with France 24's talking about George Soros that the European Union has not lived up to expectations left by the elite and many in Europe, "Russia is considered as an example to be followed."

We must recognize that the Union itself, which is the global governance noble experiment started with good intentions, failed and was not able to fulfill its promises. The disappointment is such that even Russia is able to offer an alternative.

Soros that "Russia is a mafia state" and the fact that "a number of European countries agree on the types of Putin's leadership example to follow, specially dangerous".

Soros went on to Europe, many people are considered "attractive close cooperation with Russia", including, for example, Nigel Farage, UKIP party leader of the British, the French Marine Le Pen, and "many people in Germany."

The full interview in English
Years since Europe is in crisis, and the recent controversy erupted in Russia may be the determining factor EUjövőjében. The New York Review in a recent interview, Soros notes to the financial crisis and the infamous troika in 2008 after a growing resistance of the people and the EU anti-party support for austerity measures introduced since:

The European Union, particularly in the euro zone, he lost the thread after the 2008 crisis. Europe is characterized by fiscal policies have exacerbated the public resistance. The anti-European parties gained 30 percent more seat in the European Parliament, but until now there was no realistic alternatives to the EU. But now Russia offers an alternative solution, which is a fundamental change and a challenge to the principles on which the European Union is based on ... It is time for the European Union to thoroughly reevaluate yourself ... EU bureaucrats will no longer have the agreement dura church and they have no büszkélkedniük.

The elite is increasingly flare-up in the west half of the popular uprising from which they try to stand on end, or lack of something better for them desirable to channel and control. While anger due to the inadequacy of government or governments or immoral increases in Europe, the elite will try to embrace the different movements, or even artificial political movements start to control and neutralize them by the people's anger.

EU: Extension of the Anglo-American elite

The EU is a native of the global elite, which építgeti more than a century empire. The Union of this process, namely the government, also known as global governance as part bold experiment, the power of nationalism and national laws to replace the non-violent. "The EU aims to "national governments associations to replace that in the future along with the rest of the world created alliances with other szuverenitásromboló single power, a global empire thaw. Such associations such as azÉszak American Union or the Middle East Union.

The EU's executive body, the European Commission, the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Riia), a global effort to power in a sort of parallel partner of the British government.

Etienne Davignon, former European Commissioner and European integration is important builder, revealed that the annual meeting of elite organization, the Bilderberg group also helped in the creation of the Euro. Of course, George Soros is a member organization of the European External Relations Council, as the leader of this shadow power.

The economic warfare against Russia hits back

In Europe, the farmers protested in several places, as meaningless sanctions against Russia are affected the hardest. Sanctions imposed by the West as a response to Russia in August led to a ban on food imports to the countries that supported the sanctions, which caused a serious drop in food prices, as it has been flooded with superfluous goods to European markets. Commercial traffic due to the sanctions, estimated at € 5.3 billion loss for the EU, not to mention the numbers inexpressible uncertainty caused by the social perception of the situation.

France also had a number of protests, as the Russian import bans increasingly felt in the already deteriorating living conditions. Brittany farmers torched the offices of the tax authority, in addition to vegetables and covered with manure in front of a government building in the middle of September, held a demonstration against the government's actions. In November, it is estimated that another 36,000 people participated in the demonstrations organized across the country, which again covered the remaining crops in front of government buildings in that part could not be sold because of the Russian ban on imports.

Spain also protesting farmers of sanctions against Russia as a result of depressed prices for these paid by crops and left them for the multinationals.

Resistance to EU policy in addition to punitive measures against Russia affects many other areas. The austerity measures are severely affected by the southern states, where the protests have become almost routine part of life. In October, for example, in Naples was a major demonstration in front of the European Central Bank building, where the participants of the completion of the constraints and reducing unemployment demanded.

Reveals the period ahead, the elite of the Union to finally try to maintain or even further strengthen the power of the growing dissatisfaction movements directed to continue to work ...

Signs of Times: I wonder what the real intention, when George Soros, who has always confirmed the statements made by some underlying goal of the dangers of cooperation with Russia about?

"And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but together with the beast for one hour will receive royal power. These have one mind, their power and authority to the beast "in Revelation. 17: 12-13

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