2015. december 8., kedd

Islamist sugar daddy: big game off the Hungarian police officers attached!

Iszlamista cukrosbácsi: nagyvadat kapcsoltak le a magyar rendőrök!

The police said in a statement yesterday in Bucharest Hollister-long international border crossing Lőkösháza the fast train to the Hungarian police cleared two men who had illegally crossed the border. One is an English jogsit showed up, the other is only a Koran. And it looks like the latter, a certain B. Trevor pretty big catch.

Trevor Brooks, better known as Abu Izzadeen because one of the most notorious Islamist gyűlöletprédikátor Britain. If you really got him to the Romanian border, then it's most significant contribution to the fight against terror Hungary.

According to police, on 17 November the Schengen circling system appeared both caught his European arrest warrant because court ruling banned to leave Britain "due to acts of terrorism, financing of one and a half years, another time they spent in prison for three and a half years on one occasion, in 2009 Buy freed, and that the judgment would only be allowed to leave with the permission of the British authorities for ten years after their release in England. "

The 40-year-old Abu Izzadeen is closely linked to the radical Islamism two leading figures of Britain, Anjem Choudary and Abu Hamzával with. The former figure matching horror film, his hand two hooks are in place (the war in Afghanistan were injured), and for a long time he led the notorious Finsbury Park mosque, the outbreak of radical Islam in London. The way Jamaican-born Trevor Brooks birth of Christianity for the Finsbury Park came to Islam at the age of 18. Brooks is now known as Abu Izzadeen later became Anjem Choudary, the banned terrorist organization called Al-Muhajiroun's founder confidant and right-hand man.

The organization's declared aim to introduce sharia in Britain openly approved of all terrorist attacks perpetrated in recent decades, and they gave spiritual guidance of Lee Rigby's murder. (Memorable as the British soldier London high street, passers-by in front of two pieces of African descent Islamist May 22, 2013).

Abu Izzadeen akció közben

While Abu Izzadeen action
Abu Izzadeen in Britain arrested more than once, in April 2008, four and a half years in prison for supporting terrorism and hatred. In one sermon he advised the faithful:
"Ask God to give you opportunities for shedding the blood of the infidels. [...] My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, a wicked kill for the sake of God Jihad straight path to heaven. "
At other times, the World Trade Center bombing victims dying joked, and approved of the London subway bombing, which claimed 52 lives.
Abu Izzadeent already in May 2009, barely a year after his release from prison under strict conditions, which of course did not prevent the further spreading Islamist ideas. In 2014 he was arrested again for violating these conditions. He received eleven months, but was released again this spring, but the passport application was rejected because it was assumed that you would like to join the Islamic State.
In recent years, according to the news in a candy store was selling halal delicacies. Yummy, Yummy store chain Choudary wealthy brother and Nass Islamist addition to handing out brochures also the East London buyers. Quite handy tying, as the youth of the legbefolyásolhatóbbak.
Now the preacher was arrested for violating the travel ban. Partner Lőkösháza the train, Simon Keeler (otherwise born Englishman who converted) last year came to Dover in a truck's hold. Surely it held in Syria, but that it could not be proven.
It does not take too much imagination to figure out what you are looking for Abu Izzadeen and Keeler train bound for Romania: a large - believed to be safe - Balkan obviously just took a detour towards the Islamic State. Since the arrest of a Hungarian jail guarded by them, but they must be returned to the British authorities.

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