2015. december 8., kedd

"The Islamic State of cancer have no instant cure"

„Az Iszlám Állam rákos betegség, amire nincs azonnali gyógyír”

The San Bernardino-terrorist action could happen despite the fact that US intelligence and law enforcement are working around the clock ISIS-cells and sympathizers eliminated. Any changes in the US strategy on Sunday night after the White House in Washington conveyed Obama's speech? You will require a visa for Europeans? What will the situation of the Russian-American relationship?

The Americans (too) party. Surveys show that 89 per cent holding in the country's biggest enemy, the terrorist organization Islamic State. The concern increased when it turned out that the 14 fatalities Wednesday's terrorist act perpetrated two radical Islamic spirit was close.
Can you reassure them the country's president, commander in chief when the performance of services in the fight against terror in the country, 60 percent dissatisfied? Barack Obama felt quite hot to the situation on Sunday night when the White House oval office speech televised addressed to the American people. The task was nothing less than to convince the world that has a strategy and the will to be a terrorist organization determined, hard work "destroy". Also, make it clear that there is no place in the perilous times of incitement against an ethnic group insurance exclusion of equal rights in America.
"ISIS is a cancerous disease, which has no immediate cure" - he stated Obama then said bullet points about the treatment.
Continue the liquidation of terrorist leaders, wherever they are in the world. America intensifies fight against the Islamic State, to which 65 countries have joined. Strengthening their intelligence activities in European countries. Special Forces are sent in a dangerous area, continue to arm the Kurds and Iraqi fighters. But it made clear that it will not send troops to the US mainland. The United States is not involved in yet another frontal Middle East war, which can take up to a decade also doubtful, and further ISIS recruit believers.

Aleppo street scene in the autumn of 2015
Photo: AFP / Euro PRESS / Karam Al-Masri
Tighten or close to the Syrian-Turkish border, which had been free of terrorists crossing point. They want to destroy the ISIS and olajkútjait Stores. Financial restrictions on any ISIS, but I did not mention how they take it to the pro-American Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc.), Who has also financially supported the terrorist organization. Speed ​​up the Syrian peace talks, in which Russia's role will be. This implicitly means also means that the US is no longer demanding immediate removal of Syrian President Assad.

However, the military solution is not sufficient. Obama was forced to admit that the IS-IS ideology spreads poisons the brains. The US intelligence, law enforcement working around the clock to ISIS-cells, expose -szimpatizánsokat. But as the San Bernardino terrorist action suggests, everything can not be ruled out. The perpetrator couple gave no reason for suspicion, were university educated intelligent people who have lived the American middle class is also their Muslim life. Seemingly not been in contact with terrorist organizations, they were not part of a larger conspiracy; Involuntary fed to an ideology of sympathy were killed. Even the closest relatives did not know, what you shooting in their heads. In hindsight, "Lady Macbethként" mentioned, Saudi Arabia adults, Pakistani written account of his wife that her husband was close to the radical Islamic views.

The woman Tashfeen Malik without any control, "menyasszonyvízummal" came to the United States. From now on all visa strictly controlled. Those coming to the visa-free countries and may be subject to thorough questioning at the border. For now, therefore, it will not require a visa for the European, but more questioning.

Photo: Getty / Euro Press
Greater pressure now on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites to censor content and prevent that Islamist propaganda tool used.

Obama defended the American Muslim community, who are valuable citizens of the United States and who many atrocities, death threats made in recent days. But he acknowledged that more and more of them are also infected with ISIS. It expects that the Muslim leaders forcefully take action, condemn the Islamic terrorist organizations. The Muslim community is cooperating with the authorities to report suspicious persons.

Once again defended the US arms limitation. He does not understand why Congress did not vote to figures suspected terrorists, who are "no-fly" list by US authorities were not able to buy a gun.

The Obama speech clearly turned out to be a complex, long-term to prepare for war. More new tough measures expected, but the US strategy has not changed much: air attack, drones, containment is yes, do not land war.

Although firmly, Obama spoke rationally, but waiting times of great threat, "Churchill" speech was canceled.

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